Meeting Date: 
January 4, 2018
01/04/2018 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
109 Gilkey Hall
Event Description: 

A PDF of the minutes can be found here.


Voting members present: Chris Akroyd, Shan de Silva, Glenn Howe, Colin Johnson, Siva Kolluri, Katie Linder, Carlos Ochoa
Ex-officio member present: Research Office – Staci Simonich
Guests: Susan Emerson, Brian Wall

Introduction of New Associate Vice President for Research, Staci Simonich

Research Office Budgeting

  • The 8% budget cut will affect either people or research funds.
  • To enable the Research Council to provide advice to the Research Office (RO), the Council needs to know what research support programs are the most effective.
    • Also, what research support programs are effective in the colleges?
  • What services and resources can be transferred to the colleges, or are already being carried out at the colleges (redundancies/duplications)?
  • Discussion about the need to be more strategic with funding – how can previous programs be measured to determine whether they have been successful – considering that it may be difficult to know in the short term.
  • This requires the Council to become more strategic; a strategic plan was discussed. As a path forward, several items were suggested as matters to prioritize:
    • Analysis and interpretation of the Qualtrics (2016) survey results – Chris Akroyd to take the lead on this if he can find a student to do the work. This analysis could take three to four months to carry out.
    • It was felt that an analysis of the Qualtrics survey was the critical first step in any strategic plan for the Council since the results would inform strategic directions. What metrics are available to determine the effectiveness of previous incentive programs? Essentially an analysis of ROI.

Matters Arising

  • The Faculty Senate needs to appoint a co-chair.



Minutes prepared by Chris Akroyd