1. Welcome, Call to Order – Jeff Malone
2. Approving Minutes of the March Meeting
1:35-1:50 3. Every Student Graduate (ESG) Updates – standing agenda item
1:50-2:00 4. Financial Aid Updates – Brian Hultgren
2:00-2:25 5. Office of the Registrar Updates/Q&A – standing agenda item
2:25-2:45 6. New Student Onboarding Updates – Brandi Fuhrman
2:45-3:00 7. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice (DEISJ) in Advising – standing agenda item
3:00-3:20 8. Beaver Hub No-Show Email Language – Nicole Kent
3:20-3:30 9. Emerging Issues, New Business and Announcements
3:30 10. Adjournment
Action items prior to the meeting:
Review March Meeting minutes