A PDF of the minutes can be found here.
Voting members present: Nancy Barbour, Rosemary Garagnani, Rebecca Mathern, Dave Wing
Voting members absent: Katrina Machorro
In response to Noah Buckley’s request from the ARC meeting on Jan. 25, 2017 to append “regionally” to the word “accredited” throughout (we (the ARC) approved this request at the meeting). This change is not a policy change, but meant for clarification and transparency. The main concern is that different institutions have different outcomes and requirements and if only “nationally accredited”, transfer courses may not abide to our (regionally accredited) standards. OSU currently does not accept
non-regionally accredited transfer coursework and this is unclear in the AR. Dave Wing is to present this to the Faculty Senate at the next meeting on April 13, 2017.
Dave to present at FS
clarification, not policy change, meant for transparency