Topics Review
1. Academic Regulations inconsistencies discussion with Ric DeBellis
Question: Shall we embark on a review/sweep of the Academic Regulations to address identified inconsistencies?
Examples of the AR quirks:
Consistency in terminology in the Academic Regulations
AR Correction? See footnote 1 in AR 20 (Repeated Courses) and AR 22 (Satisfactory Academic Standing for Undergraduate Students). They are essentially the same, but AR 22 includes “W, or Y” in the footnote defining “an attempt” while AR 20 does not. Shall we add “W, or Y” to AR 20 footnote 1 so they read the same?
Topics Review- New/up-coming
No topics pending.
Materials to be Presented at the April 11 Faculty Senate Meeting
Future meeting dates
April 25 – as needed
Voting Members Present: Laurie Holst, Kreg Lindberg, Mark Meyers, Joanne Sorte
Ex-officio Member Present: Rebecca Mathern
Guest: Ric DeBellis
No action taken
Inconsistencies in the Academic Regulations
Ric DeBellis shared inconsistencies that he has identified through his work with the Academic Regulations. Ric talked through the list of issues he provided and the membership assigned a “sort” to identify which issues might fall under the purview of the ARC and which have broader policy implications or are procedural in orientation, and thus should be referred to another body for consideration. The members agreed on the need to follow-up and work through the items this spring and into next academic year as needed. See ARC: Items Identified for Follow-up
Future Meeting Dates
Thursday morning does not work for all ARC members this spring. Joanne will survey members to identify 1-2 potential meeting dates to address or develop a plan to address the identified inconsistencies.