Welcomed new ARC member Keith Baker. Updated him on history and current status of AR15
Nancy Barbour will present Academic Regulation 15 in Faculty Senate meeting next week (May 11).
We discussed what needs to be in the presentation:
Reasons for needing change
Want a policy that is easier for faculty to use, and improves the due process and fairness to students. At the same time we need to ensure fairness for faculty as well.
Needs to address :
Level of detail in the AR as opposed to in the procedures
Concern for taking “ownership” away from the faculty
Concerns and responses from faculty as previously solicited (see Meeting Notes 4-19-17)
College Head Officers (CHO’s) are trained
Detailed follow-up/assessment of new policy in a year
Nancy will prepare a presentation to share with us (the ARC) to review and will meet one last time before the Faculty Senate meeting.