Meeting Date: 
September 5, 2019
09/05/2019 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
LINC 444
  1. Introductions
  1. 2019-2020 meetings
  1. Subgroup activities
  1. OSU College of Forestry: recap of meeting with Dean Davis
  1. Week of Action



Voting members present: Roberto Albertani, Lety Cavazos, Ed Dever, Jon Dorbolo, Jillian Gregg, Keith Jayawickrama, Cinnamon Moffett, Brandon Trelstad
Voting members absent: Marlys Amundson, Amy Bourne, Tess Collins, Jeff Gautschi, Kim Hannigan-Downs, Chris Kulah, Leela Magdaleno, Qinglai Meng, Gary Miller, Jacob Putney, Marianne Vydra, Beth Filar Williams
Guests: Zac Pinard



2019-2020 meetings

  • Meet monthly. We’ve got objectives and workgroups
  • Brandon and Jon to check regular meeting times or otherwise. Seek feedback from group


  • Check if people would like to continue. Box membership file is updated
  • Check process in charter to add, change, delete members.  Need to confirm with FS admin.
  • No process for areas that are not apportionment units
  • Initial membership was not voted on, but rather appointed.
  • Check if Jon should appoint remaining gaps, or put it to vote within apportionment units
    • We may not need a vote. Have consistency in communication that goes to units. Consensus based, but engaging the senators so that they are aware.
    • Create a template that goes to senators.
    • Open meetings, but making sure physical space is enough in short-time. Make sure zoom is available. If people want to come to the meetings, rsvp.
    • First report in January 2020. Maybe doing a newsletter, quarterly.
    • Check communications for doing so
    • Unrepresented units: College of Science, Vet Med, UA OSU (Faculty Union), Extension, Education, ROTC
    • Need messaging about time commitment and expectations
    • Action items: template language for invite to senators & nominations à Brandon & Jon. Doodle for meeting times à Brandon

Climate Strikes and Week of Action

  • Global Climate Action Week & Strike – September 20
  • September 27 – motivate students & faculty to march and rally at 3pm going downtown
  • Asks – Letter & for Senate and/or CCC declare climate emergency. Same as Corvallis
  • Send out a letter of support from CCC, supporting students and faculty involvement. Draft letter is on box. Make sure we understand the whats on the letter that can be used for resolution for faculty senate and administration. We need to establish outcomes, and what does it do for operations and curriculum.
  • Focus on intellect and facts. After resolution by senate, go to administration with specific requests like air travel, or curriculum, or sustainability in position descriptions. We need to define what are the asks as a climate emergency.
  • For administration, go back to actions in SP4.0 that reduce carbon emissions. Leverage what OSU is already doing to make it happen (like research and the graduate student that sat in the Oregon __ [need to clarify with Ed])
  • For Senate/CCC to declare climate emergency. What it meant to declare climate emergency is on the slides that Jillian provided. They are in box for access.
  • Put specific concerns that are local to our region to be included in CCC resolution
  • We need to show that the community supports these goals aligned with SP4.0
  • We’re talking about cultural change, and it is slow. There is a perception that it is great to declare climate crisis, as long as it is someone else’s problem.
  • Changes from Senate on draft letter were approved by CCC, and date to be out is September 16.

Develop a model curriculum template to include climate change education in more courses, and work it from the bottom up. Other way is to take it to bacc core committee. Put this on the next agenda.

Put ASOSU resolutions on box for access.

Travel Offsets

  • Zac shared a travel offsets presentation
  • Can federal grants and contracts offsets this cost? If not, what would this look like? Maybe counted as booking fee from travel agency. Maybe allocation of return overhead for offsets.
  • % vs Flat. Maybe start with a base and use a cap.
  • Educate, and find alternatives to flights. Even monetary incentives.
  • Key is getting a policy and then we can play with $$ numbers
  • Maybe start at $25, it’s the same as booking fee
  • Opt-out if sponsor does not allow this expense, name it as file exemption


Minutes prepared by Lety Cavazos