The Administrative Appointments Committee, representing the interests of the University and the Faculty, recommends three faculty members (a minimum of one shall be a member of the Administrative Appointments Committee) to serve on each search committee for appointments to vacant or newly created administrative positions.
On an annual basis, the Administrative Appointments Committee monitors and reviews policy and procedures used to fill administrative positions and recommends changes in such policy and procedure to the Faculty Senate and to the President.
In addition to newly created administrative positions, the following positions are to include involvement on the part of the Administrative Appointments Committee:
General Administration: All positions at the Provost, Vice President, Vice Provost and Associate Provost level.
College and Deans: All positions at the Dean level.
Other positions of academic significance: Including, but not limited to the Athletic Director and those positions that report to the Provost, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and all Vice Presidents and Vice Provosts.
Whenever there is an impending vacancy, or an actual vacancy occurs, in any of the above listed positions, or when a new administrative position is created, the Administrative Appointments Committee shall confer with the President (or his/her designated representative), review the requirements of the position, and provide advisement concerning composition of a search committee and the range and timing of its search.
The appointment of a director or administrator who reports directly to one of the administrative officers listed above does not require a search committee involving the Administrative Appointments Committee but, upon request, the Administrative Appointments Committee may suggest appropriate procedures. The Administrative Appointments Committee consists of twelve Faculty.
Each search committee shall ordinarily consist of nine (9) to twelve (12) members. Of these members:
The majority shall be Faculty members of Oregon State University, three of these selected by the Administrative Appointments Committee. A minimum of one and as many as three of the latter shall be members of the Administrative Appointments Committee itself, specific determination to be made by the Committee according to the nature of the appointment and the Committee's preexisting commitments.
Undergraduate and/or graduate students shall be appointed following consultation of the appropriate student governance bodies.
Additional members (staff, students, or individuals outside the University) shall be appointed following consultation with the Administrative Appointments Committee.
Within thirty days of the close of an administrative appointments search, the Administrative Appointments Committee member assigned to that search shall submit to the Administrative Appointments Committee chair a summary of the search conduct and results for inclusion in the Administrative Appointments Committee chair's year-end activity report to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
(06/11; 05/98)