The Advancement of Teaching Committee formulates and evaluates statements of policy that influence the teaching process, including (1) teaching effectiveness and efficiency, (2) support, (3) dissemination of information, (4) encouragement of innovation and experimentation, (5) appropriate recognition of good teaching and (6) student feedback on instruction. The Committee seeks information and opinions from students, faculty, and administrators in formulating statements of policy, and presents to the Faculty Senate recommendations and perspectives useful to that body in determining appropriate actions and positions to be taken in support of the advancement of teaching. In addition, the Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the L. L. Stewart Faculty Development Award, the Faculty Recognition and Awards Committee, or to other committees or individuals as designated, in the granting of awards in the field of teaching. The full committee shall participate in the review and recommendations relating to the L. L. Stewart Faculty Development Award. A member of the Committee shall participate in the selection of the Elizabeth P. Ritchie Distinguished Professor Award, the OSU Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards, the OSU Outreach and Engagement Award, and the Richard M. Bressler Senior Faculty Teaching Award.
The Committee consists of five Teaching Faculty and two Student members, one of whom must be a graduate student and one of whom must be an undergraduate student. In addition, the following shall be ex-officio members, non-voting with one member appointed annually to represent the Office of Assessment and Accreditation, appointed by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Provost and Executive Vice President, or designee.
(03/02; 6/21)