Note: Complete proceedings of the meeting were recorded and are available at This recap contains agenda attachments, votes associated with action items, Information Items and the Roll Call.
A PDF of the recap can be found here.
April 11, 2019
Kathleen ‘Kathy’ Frances Heath – Professor of Teaching – College of Public Health and Human Sciences and 1992 Past Faculty Senate President
Robert Iltis – Professor of Speech Communication – School of Arts and Communication and Past Faculty Senate Parliamentarian
Approval of Minutes
Action: Motion to approve the February 14, 2019 minutes was seconded; motion passed with 38 votes in favor and one abstention.
Action: Jane Waite moved to approve the March 14 minutes; motion seconded and passed with 45 votes in favor and 5 abstentions.
Proposed Academic Regulations
Dave Wing, Academic Regulations Committee Chair, presented proposed revisions to Academic Regulations and accepted feedback from Senators. It is anticipated that these revisions will be presented for approval at the May 9 Faculty Senate meeting.
Is it necessary to indicate an address for individuals?
AR 3
It would save time and effort if the FTE amount is removed since the Graduate School and the Coalition of Graduate Employees change it frequently.
AR 9a
What is meant by ‘registration for admission’? Wing acknowledged that the verbiage needs to be clarified.
Suggestion to change to ‘enrollment in the class.’
AR 9b
How would this work with Ecampus? Wing stated that there are Ecampus classes that have the NSHD (no-show-drop) policy. For Ecampus, the five-days means is that the student must have participated in some way.
One questioned the history of the five-day policy. Is anything in place where students can be dropped and then add themselves the next day? One noted that Ecampus students can do things on the weekend.
If a student does not attend the first five days of classes, how much time before the drop period ends?
AR 10 – no comments
AR 12 – no comments
AR 18 – no comments
AR 22
One questioned the meaning of regionally accredited. Wing indicated it is a more focused baccalaureate core.
What is the impact on international students? Wing will look into that issue.
AR 25 d. – no comments
AR 25 i.
A strong opinion was expressed that the Registrar’s Office should notify the student and include a date by which they must respond.
Teaching Evaluations at OSU
Devon Quick, Faculty Senate Advancement of Teaching Committee Chair, provided a status report on actions taken related to teaching evaluations at OSU since the March Faculty Senate meeting.
Mike Bailey, ex-officio, expressed the hope that there are Ecampus students on the working groups.
Senator Colwell, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences questioned whether there was a plan to look outside of OSU to other institutions that have done this. Quick responded that each working group has been given a charge document, literature and they have links to what has been done at OSU and examples from other institutions.
OSU Board of Trustees Recap
Mike Bailey, OSU Board of Trustees Faculty Member, will recap the April OSU Board of Trustees meeting.
This report was postponed.
Textbook Affordability
James Howard, OSU Beaver Store Academic Materials Manager, discussed textbook affordability, Autoaccess, HB2231, trends in course materials, etc.
Open Source Textbooks
Stefanie Buck, Director of Open Educational Resources, outlined Open Source Textbooks, what faculty should know about adoption to reduce student costs, and the future plans for Oregon State’s Open Educational Resources unit.
Faculty Senate Survey Results
Dwaine Plaza, Faculty Senate President-Elect, will discuss the results of the recent survey sent to all faculty represented by the Faculty Senate.
This report was postponed
2019 Faculty Senate Meetings
Please reserve the following dates for Faculty Senate meetings for the remainder of 2019; check the monthly agenda to determine the location. All meetings are scheduled to begin at 3:00 PM:
May 9, June 13, October 10, November 14, December 12
Non-Course Category II Proposals
All non-course Category II proposals approved by the Faculty Senate Curriculum Council since March 14, 2019 are attached.
Course Designators Approved
All course designators approved by the Faculty Senate Curriculum Council since March 14, 2019 appear below:
IAWS #106527– Integrated Agriculture and Wildland Science
Please notify the Faculty Senate Office if a sabbatical, leave, or retirement will prevent completion of your term as either a Senator or Faculty Senate committee/council member. If you are away more than one term, exclusive of summer term, a replacement is required. This information will assist us in identifying a replacement.
Remote Participation in Faculty Senate Meetings
To participate in Faculty Senate meetings via WebEx, log in to beginning at 2:50 PM on the day of the Senate meeting, and then login with your ONID credentials to the Faculty Senate Chat Room. Senators and proxies must log in with their real names so that attendance can be accurately reflected; if you are a proxy, please indicate the Senator you are representing. If you are asked for a meeting number, insert 926 485 939. If you experience problems logging in during the meeting, please contact Vickie Nunnemaker at [email protected].
Mina Carson
No report due to lack of time.
Meeting adjourned at 5:03 PM.
Recap prepared by Vickie Nunnemaker, Faculty Senate staff
Members Present:
Agricultural Sciences: Epps, Gwin, Scott Heppell, Selina Heppell, Moyer (remote), Kristin Rifai (v. Noller), Sanchez, Sterns, Waite-Cusic (remote)
Associated Faculty: Robbin Sim (v. Birky – remote), Bunnage (remote), Fleming, Gaines (remote), Greenough, Mathern, Milic (remote), Pappas, Riggs, Riney (remote), Signs (remote), Silbernagel (remote), Trelstad, Viggiani, Yee (remote)
Business: Bourne (remote), Cluver (remote), LeMay (remote), Murnieks (remote), Scott, Swift (remote)
Cascades: Dahl (remote), McCalpine (remote), Reuter (remote), Witzke (remote)
Earth, Oceanic, & Atmospheric Sciences: Colwell, Dever (remote), Watkins-Brandt
Education: Lowery
Engineering: Fronk, Ideker, Johnston, Kelly (remote), Mayaram (remote), Nembhard, Kyle Niemeyer (v. Paasch) (remote)
Extension: Hein (remote), Chris Schachtschneider (v. Kaiser)
Forestry: Creighton
Hatfield Marine Science Center: No senators present
Liberal Arts: Akins, Burkhardt, Duncan (remote), Edwards (remote), Emerson (remote), Maes (remote), Mize, Chris Nichols (v. Sheehan) (remote), Shirazi (remote), Warner (remote)
Library: Lorente
Pharmacy: Linares, Zumach (remote)
Public Health & Human Sciences: Bethel (remote), Bovbjerg, Mendez-Luck
Science: Bogley, Bruslind, Faridani, Gable, Giovannoni (remote), Jansen (remote), Kayes (remote), McIntyre, Schellman (remote), Thomann, van Zee
Student Affairs: Alvarez-Cortez (remote), Le (remote), Nakic (remote)
Veterinary Medicine: No senators present
Members Absent:
Agricultural Sciences: Alix-Garcia, Bohnert, Bolte, Cassidy, Field, Godwin, Mata-Gonzalez, Mundt, Murthy
Associated Faculty: Bradoch, Bruce, Davis-White Eyes, Gillies, McKnight, Vignos
Business: Gerasymenko
Cascades: No Senators absent
Earth, Oceanic, & Atmospheric Sciences: Ruggiero, Shiel, Zirbel
Education: Thompson
Engineering: Grimm, Jensen, Lee, Porter, Squires, Sweeney, Yeh
Extension: Arispe, Johnson
Forestry: Belart, Hatten, Schimleck
Hatfield Marine Science Center: Miller
Liberal Arts: Below, Hammer, Lauer, Orosco, Roper, Shaw, Trujillo
Library: No senators absent
Pharmacy: No senators absent
Public Health & Human Sciences: Bray, Khanna, Luck, MacTavish
Science: Riverstone, Weis
Student Affairs: Atebe, Bowling, Sanchez, Smith
Veterinary Medicine: Ackermann, Milovancev, Pastey
Ex-Officio members present:
Bokil (remote), Carson, Edwards, Feser, Plaza, Quick, Sherman, Waite
Non-Voting members present:
Bailey, Beachley
Stefanie Buck, Kim Calvery (remote), Debbie Colbert (remote), Julie Gess-Newsome (remote), Alix Gitelman, James Howard, Katherine McAlvage (remote), Andrew Meigs (remote), Chandui Patel, Robynn Pease (remote), Lindsey Shirley, Noni Scherer (remote), Michael Sidener