Voting members present: Kathy Becker-Blease; Kelsey Emard, Dan Faltesek, McKenzie Huber, Jack Istok, Matt Kennedy, Rene Reitsma, Justin St. Germain, David Roundy Rorie Solberg, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Heather Arbuckle, Aidas Banaitis, Andrew Harker, Lori McGraw
Ex-Officio members present: Bradley Boovy – DPD Director; Heath Henry – Office of Undergraduate Education; Sarah Tinker Perrault – WIC Director; Karen Watte - Ecampus
Guests present: Dwaine Plaza
Course Proposals
Discussion Needed
ANTH 383 – Contemporary Global Issues (CGI)
They have made some general arguments as to why the course should be CGI, rather than Science, Technology & Society (STS).
Despite concerns and the course being an excellent fit for STS the college insists on marking the course as a CGI course.
Initially decertified and it was suggested they work with APA to fine tune the course for CGI. They did not do any substantive work with APA.
It could be made to fit CGI better with some work.
Motion to defer message text to a separate meeting and send back; seconded. Motion passes with 10 in favor, none against. One abstention
ANTH 352 – Contemporary Global Issues
Could be a fit for CGI but the syllabi are very vague in term of assessment and addressing the outcomes.
The description of the course in what issues are discussed is very vague and it’s unclear what the issues are.
It is unclear if the writing assignment meets the category requirements
Motion to send back for more detail on addressing & assessing the CGI outcomes, particularly outcomes 1 & 3; seconded. Motion passes with 10 in favor, none against. One abstention.
RNG 470 – Contemporary Global Issues
Has a recommended prerequisite. It was sent back and the originator was asked to explain whether students who have not taken the recommended prerequisite will have difficulty succeeding in the course.
They responded with a note stating that students who take the prerequisite will be more likely to succeed. Does this make the course incompatible with Baccalaureate Core (BC) values? Is it accessible to students from a wide range of backgrounds?
Motion to rollback to add CGI contextualize information directly into CIM fields and make syllabus visible (including assessment); seconded. Motion passes with 11 in favor, none against. Two abstentions.
No Discussion Needed
WR 4/566 – WIC
Approved with no discussion needed.
Future of Computational Research on the Baccalaureate Core
A way to organize categories
Keep in mind the development of the new BC and how can computational research on the current BC assist with the shift
The most work is getting the initial information to create a baseline.
There is a lot of places to look to pull old syllabi from.
Volunteers for 2021-2022 Baccalaureate Core Committee Co-chairs
Kaplan is willing to continue as co-chair
Any other volunteers can reach out to Dwaine Plaza or Caitlin Calascibetta
Will the implementation of a BC director help reduce the load on co-chairs? Would the BCC be able to work with just one chair?
Suggested co-chair from College of Liberal Arts
Input for Baccalaureate Core Committee 2020-2021 Annual Report
Suggest starting with a full committee if possible
Discuss revision process and how it was communicated and handled.
Proposal of hiring a BC Director
Continue to provide a Zoom option to facilitate better attendance
Moratorium Update
Will take some time to implement and needs to be vetted by the Faculty Senate first.