Voting members present: Kathy Becker-Blease, Daniel Faltesek, Filix Maisch, Bob Paasch, Weihong Qiu, Dana Sanchez, Rorie Spill Solberg, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Pat Ball, Nancy Barbour, Natalie Dollar, Patrice Dragon, McKenzie Huber, David Roundy, Inara Scott
Ex-Officio members present: Faculty Affairs – Heath Henry; Ecampus – Craig Rademacher (remote)
Category II Reviews
Discussion Needed
NUR 420
Does not list any revisions required beyond the peer review. This includes the faculty revisions, which are a requirement.
ATS 441/541
The course schedule was uploaded separately from the syllabus. Minimum syllabus requirements state that the schedule must be included in the syllabus.
Approved, with notes to the originator to add the schedule to the syllabus
SOC 471/571
The syllabus does not have course specific learning outcomes, except for one additional graduate learning outcome.
There is a note on how graduate students are graded differently from undergraduate students.
Make a note for Graduate Council to review this to make sure they are being graded appropriately.
Recommend that they consider adding course specific outcomes for undergraduate. students
Approve with recommendations
ANTH 447
The form states how the course assess and promotes critical thinking, but it is not clear on the syllabus.
Send back with a request to add the language about critical thinking in the form to the syllabus.
H 344
There is no required reading or day-to-day schedule.
There is no attempt to link the course activities to the Science, Technology and Society (STS) outcomes.
The syllabus still references Blackboard and the explanations in the form are very broad without focusing on the outcomes or STS requirements.
There is no minimum word count listed, though it does reference a minimum line requirement.
There are other procedural issues.
Overall, the course does align with the STS outcomes and requirements.
Send back with notes for major revisions.
MIME 497/498
The instructor only teaches these two courses.
The committee was concerned that the instructor did not have enough time to review all the papers.
Technical writers that evaluate student writing (averaging 40 minutes per paper)
PH 207
The reviewer is not present.
ENG 108
Baccalaureate Core outcomes are listed and explained in a well-organized table.
The syllabus is missing an explanation on how the third outcome is assessed.
No formal grading scale is listed in the syllabus. It is a minimum syllabus requirement.
Missing the academic integrity link.
Approve with minor revisions.
NMC 421
The pre-requisite is a WIC course, which is limiting.
How they are covering history is very vague.
The course has an unusual grading system, broken down into decimals.
No Discussion Needed
Approval of New Review Form
A new box has been added – “reason for proposal”
The syllabus checklist is shorter and focuses more on BC requirements
The committee would like to change some of the verbiage relating the mode of delivery (campus, ecampus, etc.)
The criteria list is the same
A new box has been added – “is this course appropriate for the category”
Can there be a second comment box for the chairs to add comments and feedback
Reason for Proposal box - click
Syllabus checklist is shorter
Change ‘version’ to location and mode of delivery
Added some outcome check boxes
Criteria list is the same
Is this course appropriate for the category – added
Can the reviewers have a second box for comments/feedback for the proposer?