Voting members present: Aidas Banaitis, Kathy Becker-Blease, Kelsey Emard, Daniel Faltesek, McKenzie Huber, Jack Istok, Lori McGraw, Rene Reitsma, David Roundy, Rorie Solberg, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Heather Arbuckle, Matt Kennedy
Ex-Officio members present: DPD Director – Bradley Boovy; Academic Programs & Assessment – Heath Henry; WIC Director – Sarah Perrault Tinker; Ecampus– Karen Watte
1:00-1:20 – Course Proposals
HEST 201 – Social Processes & Institutions (SPI)
Did not have enough social processes to meet the category
Cross listed with Anthropology
Reading list appears the same – based on design, not social processes.
They are arguing that communication between students during the design process is a social process
Probably better suited for Science, Technology and Society
They disagree with the committee’s points but have not offered any further rebuttal.
Any social impact does not necessarily equal social process.
Motion to roll back citing previous issues and concerns about the course not meeting the category; seconded. Motion passes with nine in favor; none against. Two abstaining.
HEST 342 – Contemporary Global Issues
The rubric is not sufficient – there is nothing about the outcomes
For two outcomes – they state that they are addressed in pre-requisites. These prerequisites can be waived. The course otherwise does not address these two outcomes
The prerequisite is not in the Baccalaureate Core (BC) and is not part of the review process.
The instructor has been provided a matrix and has worked with APA and the BC but the course is still not meeting the outcomes.
Can you have a two-course sequence that meets the category? The trip abroad is largely focused on the research project
This would be the only course like this. There is no precedent.
Motion to roll back; seconded. Motion passes with 11 in favor; none against. None abstaining.
MUS 200 – Western Cultures
Will be discussed during the next meeting.
Category Review – Contemporary Global Issues
No Discussion Needed
WGSS 360
Will be discussed during the next meeting.
Dual-Listed Course Review
HDFS 201 – Social Processes & Institutions/Difference, Power & Discrimination (DPD)
There appears to have been quite a lot of drift. All 3 syllabi differ in terms of content and it’s not clear how they meet the SPI requirements. The courses are incredibly different.
How they meet the outcomes is not clear in the syllabus.
They don’t adequately meeting learning criteria 9 – interactive learning
The text they are using at Cascades is old, outdated and normative. Corvallis uses a different text.
Has a very high enrollment – but they do have graduate support.
The high enrollment is an administrative decision
There is no criteria for enrollment caps like WIC.
As the course is currently written, it doesn’t not adequately meet either category.
Could be a better for DPD after some reworking.
There’s not enough substance in the syllabus and the survey to see how both categories are being met.
Motion to request they drop SPI and resubmit as DPD only, with revisions; seconded. Motion passed 10 in favor, none against. One abstaining.
HST 201/202/203 – Western Culture/ Difference, Power & Discrimination
Seems like they’re leaning towards DPD, it may be best to drop WC.
Needs quite a bit of work to bring it up to DPD standards.
201 did a good job with Western Culture but they are missing a syllabus.
203 needs work.
Discussed decertifying in DPD
Discussed recertifying for both
Needs to be rolled back and is in need of several revisions.
All three will be further discussed in the next meeting.