Voting members present: Daniel Faltesek, Kelsey Emard, Colin Johnson, Matthew Kennedy, Michelle McAllaster, Lori McGraw, Rene Reitsma, Randy Rosenberger, Justin St. Germain, Kari-Lyn Sakuma, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Aidas Banaitis, Geoffrey Barstow, Jack Istok
Ex-officio members present: Academic Programs & Assessment – Heath Henry; Ecampus – Karen Watte; WIC – Sarah Perrault
Guests: McKenzie Huber, Michael Jefferis, Caryn Stoess
Policy Discussion
Approval process for new courses and course change
Currently, one person not in the unit proposing will review the course
More rigorous reviews create occasions for faculty conversation
Reviewing on proposal and change is a proactive strategy to manage course drift
Non-college review is good
More eyes needed, but paired annoying
No discussion needed can be problematic
Would it be more beneficial to have more than one reviewer on each proposal, similar to the Curriculum Council? One member from the college to, for foundational knowledge, and an outside pair of eyes for a more objective viewpoint to make sure it’s open and understandable for all disciplines.
Action: Daniel Faltesek made the motion to accept the following proposal: To encourage a variety of perspectives, all proposals will be reviewed by two faculty members, at least one of whom will be outside the proposing college, then discussed by the committee and either approved if it has reached committee standards or sent back; seconded. Motion passed with 8 votes in favor, 0 votes against and 0 votes in abstention.
Course/category review cycle process
One category per year, only if taught in the last 3 years.
college level coordinated lifts
very doable with a smaller core
regular review expectations may discourage frivolous submissions
continuous review flows may smooth the category leveling learning curve
extreme drift over long periods of time
STS review was strong
Problematic choices and loss of administrative control
loss of flexibility
opacity is key to academic freedom
heavy lift for maximum review
cycle reviews lead to expertise that year
early warning dynamics could lead to arms racing (first person to flood wins, all others stopped)
Options for policies:
Every course will be fully assessed every four years which can result in decertification if a course is found in non-compliance with established standards.
Every two years a course will receive a minor-review which will provide important feedback. These entail the assessment of the syllabus and other relevant material.
Heath has volunteered to take the lead on the minor review to assist with the workload.
Communication related to both review processes is delegated to the Director of General Education. Exact timelines and communication methods for these reviews will be determined annually by the committee and communicated by the Director of General Education to the College Designees.
The committee elected to come back and discuss this topic more at the next meeting.