Voting members present: Heather Arbuckle, Kathy Becker-Blease, Daniel Faltesek, McKenzie Huber, Matthew Kennedy, Filix Maisch, Lori McGraw, Steven Morris, Bob Paasch, David Roundy, Rorie Spill Solberg, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Aidas Banaitis
Ex-Officio members present: Faculty Affairs – Heath Henry; DPD Director – Nana Osei-Kofi; Ecampus – Karen Watte
Follow-up from co-chair meeting with Faculty Senate President and President-Elect
Approved workgroup topics to move forward with
Notes from the workgroups were presented and discussed.
The committee is approved to move forward with developing policy to present to the Executive Committee and the Faculty Senate for dual-listing courses.
They did not approve of the idea that certain colleges or disciplines own certain categories.
CIM allows colleges to add themselves as liaisons, if there are concerns about colleges going into the system.
Standing Rules revisions
Lowering number of OSU-Cascades reps from two to one.
At least three representatives from Science (COS), Liberal Arts (CLA) and one from Engineering (COE)
Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) is requesting inclusion in this list to ensure they have representation.
Should there be a right of first refusal for certain colleges? If the colleges decline to have a member on the committee, they fill that position with a faculty member from another college.
Should the list of representatives be based on colleges that have baccalaureate core programs?
Change three COS and CLA representatives to two.
Add language ‘in so far as possible’ in case colleges cannot fill a position.
Add language that colleges submitting proposals for baccalaureate core must have representation on the committee?
No college shall form the majority.
Add one professional academic advisor and up to two other professional faculty who are involved with instruction/advising/curriculum.
Add the statement of majority members to approve or deny status to Standing Rules.
Add the statement to request changes to existing courses and/or deny continuation in the Baccalaureate Core (BC) to Standing Rules.
There is no longer a Director of the Writing Center – that verbiage should be changed.
A revised copy will be distributed January 13.
APA has updated its language for the Baccalaureate Core Learning Outcomes
Examples will be linked for ‘assessment’ and the matrices.
Upcoming Reviews and Timeline for the Year
There are 17 courses in the Curriculum Proposal System.
If programs are not through by May 1, they will need to start over in CIM.
Should the Baccalaureate Core Committee (BCC) direct submitters to CIM if they have not submitted by March 1?
Some proposals may be moved over by the Registrar’s Office if they are close to completion. This is not guaranteed.
Discontinuation of Courses
Committee has the authority, per Standing Rules, to deny continuation
Courses not taught in three years can be discontinued
APA runs a list annually to see what courses have not been taught and the lists are sent back to the college for review.
Will removing these courses from the BC affect transfer students?
Can instructors petition to keep these courses in the BC? What would be considered a compelling, suitable reason to keep an untaught course in the BC?
The list will be brought to the list next week for review.
New Interim WIC Director – Anita Helle, Professor of English
Anita will be attending meetings when a WIC course is on the agenda via Zoom or in person and will be copied on reviewer assignments so she can see the due date of the review and plan accordingly.