Voting members present: Kathy Becker-Blease, Daniel Faltesek, McKenzie Huber (remote), Filix Maisch, Bob Paasch, Weihong Qiu, Rorie Spill Solberg, Kaplan Yalcin
Anticipated absences: Pat Ball, Nancy Barbour, Natalie Dollar, Patrice Dragon, David Roundy, Dana Sanchez, Inara Scott
Ex-Officio members present: Faculty Affairs – Heath Henry; Ecampus – Craig Rademacher; WIC Director – Vicki Tolar Burton
Category Reviews
PH 203
There are some typos on page six of the syllabus.
Are PH 201 or PH 211 pre-requisites?
There is a lab exception credit where people who passed these classes within the last 2 years with a D- or better.
Is this a rule from the instructor, the dean, the college?
Can’t fulfill the Baccalaureate Core (BC) requirement without the lab. PH 201 and 211 are both also BC courses.
There is a risk that this is considerable loophole. What if PH 201 and PH 211 are removed? There is no way to track that in the system.
The Disability Access Link is incorrect.
There is no credit number listed.
It is missing a Class Schedule.
The syllabus says the pre-requisites are enforced, but it doesn’t appear that way.
Students are primarily juniors and seniors and all are from the COS, so it is not currently servicing the purpose of the BC.
Decertify, unless they remove the prior lab exception.
PH 106
Clarified a lot of questions the BC had during its previous submission.
Still missing a lot of minimum syllabus requirements.
Recertified with suggestions to meet the minimum syllabus requirements
PH 206
The syllabus does not meet the minimum syllabus requirements and did not submit a Cascades campus syllabus
It was confirmed that Cascades will be using the same syllabus.
Recertified with suggestions to meet the minimum syllabus requirements.
CH 232
It is not clear how the assessments align with BC outcomes.
Decertify with opportunity to resubmit.
Category II Reviews
MTH 338
Approved with no discussion needed
GEO 430/530
Approved with no discussion needed
ENG 109
GEOG 323
The matrix is ‘what is being assessed’ and ‘how it is being assessed’ are copy pasted responses (the same).
GEO 306
No ecampus syllabus provided.
How are BC outcomes met? It’s a global statement that appears to read as ‘all assignments meet all the outcomes’.
The syllabus needs to be more specific.
Send back with suggestions for revisions.
AG 445
Resubmitted without the WR II requirement but the BCC would like to know whether or not their approval is still required.
Waiting on an answer before approving.
H 344
Needs a better explanation on how outcome two is met
Send back with request for more details.
HIS 350
Much improved, table added and meets all requirements.
Approved with minor comments.