Voting members present: Heather Arbuckle, Aidas Banaitis, Geoffrey Barstow, Daniel Faltesek, Kelsey Emard, Matthew Kennedy, Jack Istok, Kyle Niemeyer, Rene Reitsma, Justin St. Germain, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Lori McGraw, Randy Rosenberger
Ex-officio members present: Assessment and Accreditation – Heath Henry; Ecampus – Karen Watte; WIC – Sarah Perrault
Guests: Funmi Amobi
CIM Review
ENT 300 – Science, Technology & Society
Recently reviewed and recertified. The proposal is regarding correcting a typo.
Approved with no further discussion needed.
HHS 421 – WIC
Learning Outcome 2 – the only mention of an audience in the syllabus is to read some reports and report back what the audience is. The reviewer is uncertain how this meets the outcome.
The course schedule only shows when papers were due, but nothing about the content discussed during lecture. It’s a minimum syllabus requirement for the syllabus to include a detailed list of topics in the schedule.
Action: Motion to send back with notes that the course needs more development for Learning Outcome 2 and request more details about content on course schedule; motion seconded and passed with 11 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition and 0 votes in abstention.
NUTR 216 – Cultural Diversity – no discussion needed
The proposal was approved with no discussion needed.
Other Business
Three Western Culture proposals have come through at the 400 level. The committee has not approved anything in that category over 200 in several years. The co-chairs will be sending these back in CIM with a note explaining this.