03/17/2014 10:00 am
109 Gilkey Hall

Voting Members Present: Robert Brudvig, Linda Bruslind, Kevin Gable (Chair), Jaga Giebultowicz, Melinda Manore, Rebecca Olson, Kirsi Peltomaki
Ex-officio Non-voting Member Present: Vicki Tolar Burton, Stefani Dawn, Nana Osei-Kofi

    1. Course Reviews:
      • ECE 441/442 - together the two courses satisfy WIC. This is a new course proposal. Request to increase credits from 2 to 3. This is justifiable. Submit for approval.
      • ES 355 - syllabus looks good. But not particularly clear why extra assignments merit an extra credit. Flag credit issue to the Curriculum Council.
      • ANTH 371 - they took out statement about this course being for Anthro majors. However, there was misunderstanding about outcome expectations. The syllabus was the same, they have not yet touched the content. The questions being asked have not been addressed.
      • ES 453/553 - didn't address why writing new assignment merits an extra credit hour.
      • WS 495/595 - great proposal, but again, didn't address why this merits an extra credit hour.
      • HIST 365 - excellent proposal. Submit for approval.
      • ES 445 - it appears to meet all requirements however, there is a requirement for a writing exercise out of class which is not explained very well. Re-submit for more specific details.
      • EXSS 455 -submit for approval.
      • EXSS 381 - submit for approval.
      • HLTH 476 - update "College of Public Health" and "Department of Public Health" verbiage for consistency. Submit for approval.
      • HDFS 461- uncertain about whether it met the criteria. Wait for reviewer to state correction suggestions before re-submitting for corrections.
      • NUTRI 416 - learning outcomes are blended with cultural foods for WIC. Make a suggestion for WIC audience. Provisional.
      • CSS 325 - submit for approval.
      • FW 435 - provisional based on outcome revision.


    1. Course Related Topics
      • At what point do we address the credits offered in the Bac Core and the credits required to fulfill Bac Core? As more and more of these courses become 4 credit versus 3 credits, it eliminates the possibility to complete the credits advertised.
      • We need to address the inflation of credits in Bac Core versus major credits by submitting draft recommendations for this to the Curriculum Council.
      • Robert Brudvig volunteered.
      • Kevin suggested using 300 versus 400 level courses as a starting point. Lay out the issues, list options for recommendations we might make as policy options. Getting some of the associate Deans in here to discuss this with us would also be a good starting point.


  1. For Future Meetings:
    • Kevin will be sending out new course numbers for review this week.