Voting members present: Kathy Becker Blease, Kelsey Emard, Daniel Faltesek, McKenzie Huber, Jack Istok, Lori McGraw, Rene Reitsma, David Roundy, Rorie Solberg, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Heather Arbuckle; Aidas Banaitis
Ex-Officio members present: DPD Director – Bradley Boovy; Ecampus – Karen Watte; WIC Director – Sarah Tinker Perrault
Course Proposals
Discussion needed
PHL/REL 4/575 – Science, Technology and Society
The syllabus has changed dramatically with substantial improvement.
Has some small issues such as a spelling errors.
Motion to approve; seconded. Motion passes with 10 in favor, none against. No abstentions.
No Discussion needed
RNG 491 – WIC
Approved with no discussion needed
Dual-listed Category Review
Discussion needed
CSS/Soil 205 – Biological and Physical Science
They are making the argument that they meet both categories as the LOs are very general. Based on the syllabus, it feels like it does seem to meet both outcomes.
In their assessment chart, they lump some of the outcomes together. There is zero distinction between them. In the form, they did a lot on how it meets both categories, but it is not clear on the syllabus.
Science is interdisciplinary, but the content of the course seems to be more focused on Physical Science with not enough focus on Biological Science. If it is primarily focused on Physical Science, based on similar courses, it should be in the Physical Science category.
Topics of the Labs are also largely Physical Science. Only one lab seems primarily focused on Biological Science.
Also a service learning course.
All modes are generally taught the same and use the same textbook. Ecampus is slightly different as they have to do their labs differently.
If a student used this as their only Biological Science course, are they getting enough exposure to Biological Science through this course?
The course was decertified in Biological Science a few years ago.
The APA representative will be present next week to provide some perspective and input to determine if the course has made any changes since this course was previously decertified.
Discussion of Revisions to Lab Science Definition
Curriculum Council added some revisions to the document BCC created
BCC has also made some further revisions and attempted to show that tools and technique are important and tried to bring that to the forefront.
Does the BCC approve of these new revisions that will be sent back to the Curriculum Council for another round of reviews?
Are field sciences included under labs in this definition?
Yes, this includes field sciences.
Can we specify ‘lab and field’ to insure that both are being covered?
What matters here is scientific measurement. The concept of a ‘lab’ may not necessarily be the right word anymore.
This sounds more qualitative than quantitative.
These labs are typically linked to Physical and Biological Sciences and ‘lab’ works for this focus.
Motion to accept the below amendment; seconded. Motion passed with 10 in favor, none against. No abstentions.
A lab science course contains at least one credit1 of laboratory activities that collectively employ the full spectrum of the scientific method from data collection and analysis to interpretation and communication of results and constitute at least 25% of the course grade. Such activities shall have students use biological or physical scientific methodology, tools, and techniques (as appropriate to the discipline), develop and/or use qualitative or quantitative observations from either primary or secondary data, and to apply concepts in physical or biological sciences for inquiry into natural systems or phenomena. Students shall make interpretations, draw conclusions that are rooted in empirical evidence, and communicate their results.
Check in on Double-listed Reviews
HST 201/202/203 are moving ahead.
Bacc Core 2.0 Update
The group has developed 3 different models. There are some similarities between them but there are distinctions.
Currently a subgroup is looking at the models through the OSU Lens.
The co-chairs and the Faculty Senate President and President-Elect will be meeting with Sherm Bloomer to get a sense on how the budgeting model will change.
OSU has the most categories out of all public universities in Oregon and one of the highest credit requirement.