Voting members present: Ivan Arismendi, Aidas Banaitis, Geoffrey Barstow, Daniel Faltesek, Lori McGraw, Kyle Niemeyer, Rene Reitsma, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Heather Arbuckle, Matthew Kennedy, Kelsey Emard, Jack Istok, Justin St. Germain, Randy Rosenberger
Ex-Officio members present: Kali Furman – Difference, Power & Discrimination; Heath Henry – Office of Undergraduate Education; Karen Watte – Ecampus
Guests present: Funmi Amobi, Dwaine Plaza
CIM Training – Heath Henry
Training for course proposal reviews and category reviews
NOTE: Training is required for new committee members. Continuing members are not required to attend but it is recommended.
Some syllabus items, if missing, are an immediate send back. If you’re not sure about anything, feel free to bring it to the committee for discussion.
Category Reviews – This year’s category up for review is Science, Technology & Society (STS). There are currently 63, there may be a few more added later.
Emails will come from Heath. It will have two important links – one goes to SharePoint and the other goes to the reviewer form.
Reviewer form is a Qualtrics form and saves as it goes.
You can leave fields blank, if you prefer. The form is for Baccalaureate Core Committee (BCC) records.
First page of the Qualtrics form is information related to the category. It includes:
Baccalaureate Core Learning Outcomes (BCLOs)
Restrictions, if any
STS has a cap of 70 students, unless they have Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs).
STS has a writing assignment
Pre-requisites should not be restrictive
Pre-reqs on synthesis courses should generally be limited to Baccalaureate Core (BC) skills courses
Reviewing the syllabus
A syllabus must be included for each location, modality and instructor
If there are multiple instructors in one modality, check if they are using a shared syllabus. If they are each responsible for their own syllabus, they must each submit a syllabus.
Does it have the BC verbatim statement for STS?
Does it label and list the BCLOs verbatim?
Does it have a connection for how the course fits the category?
Faculty typically fill out the matrix, but it is not always used.
Does it have clear evidence for how the Category Student Learning Outcomes (CSLO)s are being assessed via the specific course activities?
Does the writing assignment meet all the requirements of the category?
Articulate a critical perspective on issues involving STS
Require at least 1,250 words
Requires two outside sources
Single, out of class assignment
SharePoint – everyone has access to SharePoint. Login with ONID email.
There is a folder for each course (courses are listed alphabetically)
If you cannot find a course, contact Heath Henry.
All documents related to the course will be in the folder. This includes:
Form filled out by submitter
If a question is gray, it was not shown to the submitter
CORE Report (enrollment data)
Locations, modalities
Colleges students are from
Enrollment (numbers, years, college)
Is enrollment pulling heavily from a particular college? Is it limiting to other colleges?
Some colleges list synthesis courses in the BC as part of their major, so it may have a larger skew from a particular college.
Grade scale
Is there an unusual amount of As, Fs or withdraws?
Review Table for Bacc Core (not always included – sometimes included as part of the Category review)
CIM Proposals – Adding courses to the BC; can be for any category. Each category has its own requirements.
Form is fairly simple check-list – does not have course specific forms like the category reviews, but they are category specific.
If it’s a new course, it’ll be labelled at the top of the CIM proposal
Changes to current courses – additions are in green, removed text is red.
For new courses, a syllabus is needed for each modality, but is not required for each instructor.
Check the comments at the bottom of the proposal to see if there are any concerns from liaisons or reviewers from other committees.