Voting members present: Heather Arbuckle, Kathy Becker-Blease, Daniel Faltesek, McKenzie Huber, Matthew Kennedy, Filix Maisch, Lori McGraw, Bob Paasch, David Roundy, Rorie Spill Solberg, Kaplan Yalcin
Voting members absent: Aidas Banaitis
Ex-Officio members present: Faculty Affairs – Heath Henry; Difference, Power & Discrimination Director – Nana Osei-Kofi; ; Ecampus – Craig Rademacher; WIC Director – Vicki Tolar Burton
Guests present: Tam Belknap
Welcome and Introductions
All committee members went around the table, introducing themselves and stating their unit.
Category Reviews
Discussion Needed
HC 199
The syllabus requires substantial revisions
There are inconsistencies in the prerequisites.
Some of the syllabi are missing the Baccalaureate Core (BC) verbatim statements.
Connections between learning outcomes (LOs), BC requirements, and course activities are vague or not present.
Many of the assignments clearly meet the LOs and BC requirements, but this is not clearly reflected on the form or on the syllabus.
It is not clear how the LOs are addressed or how they are assessed.
The reviewer was unable to determine how topics are communicated within the discipline.
One committee member brought up that this is a Special Topics course through the Honors College.
Is it possible/appropriate for a special topics course to be in the BC?
Are there procedures in place to ensure that the course remains update and in line with BC requirements?
Is the writing core consistent? Does it change from topic to topic?
Does the committee need to look at the Standing Rules and determine if there needs to be more concrete policies in place in regards to what is and is not an appropriate BC course?
There is missing information in regard to bibliographies referenced.
Send back with requests for substantial revisions. Suggest that the submitters work with Rorie and Heath.
WR 240
Grades are skewed heavily into the ‘A’s.
A Category II review came in and was sent back for revisions in January. It has not been resubmitted.
It is unclear how many instructors there are but it appears to be have one supervisory instructor and then two student teachers.
The syllabi vary in quality in how the assignments are linked to the BC outcomes.
Some of the syllabi are missing the verbatim BC statement.
Approve the Category review, with requested changes. The committee is still waiting on the Category II proposal.
No Discussion Needed
NUR 420
This is a resubmission. The submitter has made the requested changes.
Approved with no further discussion needed.
PAX 301
Approved with no discussion needed
Other Business
The committee made plans to revisit the Standing Rules to see if any changes may be needed.
The committee made plans to discuss policies on blanket courses and programs that try to double dip.
The committee voted to have an alternating meeting schedule for Fall term.
A calendar invite will be sent out.
New Curriculum Proposal System presentation from Alix Gitelman on October 7 – please attend
Training for new committee members with Heath Henry has been scheduled for October 7 and October 14.
Minutes prepared by Caitlin Calascibetta.