Voting members present: Pat Ball, Nancy Barbour, Isabelle Brock, Filix Maisch, Bob Paasch, Weihong Qiu, Dana Sanchez, Inara Scott
Voting members absent: Natalie Dollar, Bill Smyth, Rorie Spill Solberg
Ex-Officio members present: Academic Affairs – Heath Henry, Ecampus – Rayne Viegar (v. Riggs), WIC Director – Vicki Tolar Burton
Guests: Jon Dorbolo
Introductions with Jon Dorbolo, Faculty Senate President
Category Reviews
Discussion Needed
Writing Intensive Curriculum (WIC) course
Noted that it’s missing the verbatim Baccalaureate Core statement but will be discussed next meeting after the WIC Director has had a chance to look it over
WIC course
Significant revisions need to be made to the syllabus. The verbatim Baccalaureate Core statement is missing and there is no clear correlations between the Baccalaureate Core requirements and the learning outcomes. None of the WIC outcomes are listed and the course does not have a 2,000 word, revised paper. The four 250 word abstracts do not fulfill this requirement. The assignment needs to be included on the syllabus. It must be specific and it is required that the paper go through a revision process. The syllabus also does not explain how students will be taught to write for the audience of their discipline.
Decertify and return to the submitter for major revisions.
WIC course
Some revisions are needed. The syllabus has several of the usual issues: missing verbatim Baccalaureate Core statement, no Disability Access Services (DAS) or Student Conduct link.
The variety and specificity of the assignments listed on the syllabus meets outcome two of the learning outcomes, however, it’s not explicitly stated on the syllabus how students are meeting that outcome and is suggested that the instructor make it more clear on the syllabus.
Recertify, pending syllabus revisions
No Discussion Needed
Category II Proposals
No Discussion Needed
Resubmitted with requested revisions done.
CAT II WICs are coming in and need to be reviewed as soon as possible. The WIC coordinator is asking that these be prioritized.
Review & Discuss
APA’s suggested edits to policy pertinent to Baccalaureate Core Committee that appears in the Curricular Policies and Procedures section of the APA (formerly APAA) website.
APA is trying to align what shows on the website with what’s in the catalog
It was asked that everyone look over the suggested edits and send in any revisions or concerns to the co-chairs.
Thoughts on a DPD 400 level course – would the Baccalaureate Core Committee have an issue about a new 400 level course that had no pre-requisites and would be offered with 4 credits? It hasn’t been proposed yet, but the committee member believes it would be a good course to offer and would like to suggest that the faculty member who could teach it propose the course. No one had any issues with the course being offered, but there was a question about the number of credits.
The reason the Baccalaureate Core prefers 3 credit courses, rather than 4 credits, is so that Baccalaureate Core courses are more accessible for students in all colleges. This was negotiated with the colleges when many of them were making the push to offer more 4 credit classes.