10/28/2015 8:30 am to 10:00 am
109 Gilkey Hall
Event Description: 

A PDF of the minutes can be found here.

  1. BI 231/233 – Michelle Bothwell
    • Fulfilling baccalaureate core requirements for biological engineering majors (10-15 minutes)
  2. CS 361
    • Consider recommendation to postpone due date for materials until April 1, 2016 (10 minutes)
  3. GEO 309
    • Follow-up from DPD category review (Huber/Solberg) (15-20 minutes)
  4. Category II Proposals
    • CAT II Reviews: PHL 433/533; PHL 434/534 – in tandem (45 minutes) 


No. Course ID Category(ies)   College Submitted Reviewer  New / Change
92706 ART 320 LA LA 5-May Paasch New
92526 BRR 325 STS AS 15-May Dunham New 
94347 PHL 433/533 CGI LA  18-May Solberg New 
94378 PHL 434/534 CGI LA  9-Jun Hughes New 
92856 CBEE 414 WIC ENG  10-Jun Smyth Change 
92889 QS 321 SPI LA 20-Jul Dunham New

Baccalaureate Core Committee

October 28, 2015



BI 231/233 – Michelle Bothwell

Fulfilling baccalaureate core requirements for biological engineering majors

  • This item was rescheduled to November 2.


CS 361

Consider recommendation to postpone due date for materials until April 1, 2016

  • The instructor will take WIC training. Any sort of plan is OK.

Action: It was agreed that the due date would be postponed to April 1, 2016.


  • There will need to be some sort of transition for CS 361. It is a WIC course and, even though it falls short of WIC requirements, students will still receive WIC credits for AY 2015-16. Should the BCC allow a year for transition? Tracy Anne noted that the capstone will transition to WIC next year and should capture most students.
  • CS 361 will need intermediate fixes if the course stays on the books.
  • Tracy Anne Robinson and Vicki Tolar Burton will assist Engineering with a plan.
  • How quickly can the BCC legally decertify a course? The  members discussed whether April 1 is the deadline for new WIC proposals in the system.


GEO 309

Follow-up from DPD category review (Huber/Solberg) (15-20 minutes)

  • An email regarding this course was sent to Nana Osei-Kofi, and an response is pending. There also were no notes found from last year.
  • The Ecampus syllabus needs the DPD statement and the on campus syllabus needs both the DPD and DAS statements, and learning outcomes.
  • There is no clear connection to being a Baccalaureate Core class.
  • It’s clear that the U.S. focus is on both historical and contemporary cases, and needs to be included in the syllabus.
  • It’s not clear how the on-campus assignments are  ?? to DPD Student Learning Outcomes. The proposer needs to work on verbiage with Nana Osei-Kofi.


  1. Category II Proposals


 Proposal No.     Course ID             Categor(ies)    College     Submitted        Change?

#92526        BRR 325               STS                  AS           15 May            New   

  • This was an exemplary proposal; it would be a good sample proposal to use for training.

Action: Recommend approval with no revisions.


#92889        QS 321                 SPI                  LA           20 July            New

Queer Pop Culture

  • Concerns:
    • The Baccalaureate Core statement is unclear.
    • Regarding the Historical Context, the response is weak and there is only one example.
    • The syllabus is not connected to Bacc core outcomes.
  • They did a good job with the indirect assessment section.

Action: Recommend approval following correction of the above three concerns.


#92706        ART 320               L&A                  LA           5 May               New

Ancient Greek Art and Architecture

  • Concerns:
    • Weak process to handle multiple sessions.
    • Incorrect DAS link  - Rorie will advise the Liberal Arts Committee that they are recommending the wrong statement.
  • Very nice job of correlating learning outcomes and Baccalaureate Core outcomes and assignments.

Action: Recommend approval following correction of the above concerns.


#92856        CBEE 414              WIC                 ENG         10 June          Change

Process Engineering Lab

  • Concerns:
    • Change and clarify prerequisites
    • Does not meet Baccalaureate Core requirements.
    • There are no Course Learning Outcomes.
    • WIC Statement is missing
    • Indicate section size and word length for the large project and how they will stay within the WIC guidelines given enrollment.
    • Clarify which assignments are graded, non-graded, or minimally graded. The column in the table makes no sense.
    • The syllabus must state the prerequisite change – what is concurrent and what isn’t.
    • Suggest that proposer refers back to category review from last year for help in responding to the concerns.


Action: Recommend approval following correction of the above concerns.



Consider PHL 433/533 and PHL 434/534 – in tandem


#94347        PHL 433/533          CGI                  LA           18 May             New

Theory and Practice of Modern Yoga

  • Concerns:
    • The syllabus minimum requirements were barely met; need to bolster the syllabus.
    • No strong connection to learning outcomes. There was some inference from the proposal statements, but it’s not matched to the assignments.
    • Make “meets Baccalaureate Core requirements” clear and a statement.
    • Need to indicate the  number of points for each assignment.
    • The seat time is 3 hours and 20 minutes, but 4 credits. Needs to clarify accountability for the other 40 minutes of seat time.
    • Connection to interdependence of global community outcome.

Action: Send back and with request to correct the above concerns; approve when concerns are satisfied.



#94378        PHL 434/534          CGI                  LA           9 June              New

  Spirituality and Ecology: Green Yoga

  • The same concerns for PHL 433/533 apply to this proposal.

Action: Send back and with request to correct the above concerns; approve when concerns are satisfied.



#88147        ESS 221               DPD                 LA?          ??                    ??     

Survey of African American Studies I              

  • Changing form 3-4 credits and increased from 3 to 4 hours in the class.
  • DAS statement is incorrect.
  • One member protested changing from 3-4 credits.

Action: Approve, with above corrections.



Executive Committee Issue

Determine whether to discuss with the Executive Committee the number of credits vs. seat time regarding creation of a new policy of justifying four-credit meetings for less than four hours per week. With hybrid courses and the new budget model, the BCC foresees an issue.



Minutes recorded by Susie Dunham and Rorie Spill Solberg