Voting members present: Pat Ball, Nancy Barbour, Isabelle Brock, Natalie Dollar, Alix Gitelman, Filix Maisch, Bob Paasch, Qiu Weihong, Dana Sanchez, Inara Scott, Bill Smyth, Rorie Spill Solberg
Ex-Officio members present: Heath Henry – Academic Affairs, Karen Watte (v. Riggs) – Ecampus, Vicki Tolar Burton – WIC Director
Category II proposals
No Discussion Needed
ENG 207
MTH 211
The course has several prerequisites but they are not limiting. There is only a very brief course description. There is not an available matrix, but there is a broad, general statement about how exams and courses will be assessed.
ART 205—Lit & Arts
The syllabus is missing the Baccalaureate Core verbatim statement. It also never uses the word ‘assessment’ or ‘graded’ to link course activities to learning outcomes. There is also a lack of direct ties to learning outcomes.
Approve, but send back some suggestions for changes to syllabus.
HST 431/531—SPI
No credits are listed on the syllabus. There are also no prerequisites listed, but it is uncertain if that is because there are none, or if they are simply missing.
Discussion Needed
MTH 241—Math
The syllabus does not meet the minimum syllabus requirements and does not state how it meets Baccalaureate Core criteria. There are no outlines or topics or course activities and another about how students will be assessed on Baccalaureate Core learning outcomes. The syllabus needs drastic revisions.
Sent back to originator for revisions.
There are no connections between the course content/assignments and the Baccalaureate Core learning outcomes.
Approved, but sent back with suggestions for revisions.
They need to expand the course-specific learning outcomes in alignment with the Baccalaureate Core learning outcomes. There needs to be a statement in regards to student conduct, in addition to the available link. There also appears to be a blank page at the end of the document.
Approved, but sent back with suggestions for revisions.
PHL 203—WC
The syllabus is missing the matrix that links assessment to learning outcomes. The Baccalaureate Core statement is not verbatim and references the course specific outcomes, rather than Baccalaureate Core outcomes. It is also missing the matrix that explains how students are assessed and how assignments are linked to learning outcomes.
Minutes prepared by Caitlin Calascibetta