Voting members present: Pat Ball (remote), Nancy Barbour, Alix Gitelman, Bob Paasch, Dana Sanchez, Bill Smyth, Rorie Spill Solberg
Voting members absent: Isabelle Brock, Natalie Dollar, Filix Maisch, Weihong Qiu, Inara Scott
Ex-Officio members present: Heath Henry – Academic Affairs, Shannon Riggs – Ecampus, Vicki Tolar Burton – WIC Director
Botany 325
Mostly fine, missing student conduct link and disability link.
Missing written composition. Syllabus specifies two topic studies, but it doesn’t meet the requirements for the 1250-word assignment
WSE 453
Some concerns about the writing assignment (first draft 750, second 1500, final 2000). Does it count as revising 2000 words?
According to the WIC Director, yes, it does count as revising 2000 words
There are new proposals in the course proposal system.
The chairs will send out the assignments
Minutes prepared by Caitlin Calascibetta