Voting members present: Nancy Barbour, Natalie Dollar (via webex), McKenzie Huber, Filix Maisch, Bob Paasch, Dana Sanchez, Bill Smyth, Rorie Spill Solberg
Voting members absent: Pat Ball, Isabelle Brock, Weihong Qiu, Inara Scott
Ex-Officio members present: Academic Affairs – Heath Henry, WIC Director – Vicki Tolar Burton (via webex)
Category Reviews
Category II Proposals
Discussion Needed
ECON 428 (WIC)
The committee discussed that the critical thinking outcomes need to be more explicit in the syllabus.
The committee also discussed that it was not clear in the syllabus which assignments were lower stakes, informal writing.
The course satisfies WIC requirements.
Approve with a note to the originator to be more explicitly state the critical thinking outcomes and make it clear which assignments are informal writing.
BIO 101
The course has an unusually large syllabus, making it a somewhat difficult to locate the learning objectives.
The committee suggests moving the learning outcomes closer to the top of the syllabus so they are easier for students to find.
Approve with suggestions to the originator.
Minutes prepared by Caitlin Calascibetta