Voting members present: Pat Ball (via phone), Nancy Barbour, Isabelle Brock, Natalie Dollar (via webex), McKenzie Huber, Weihong Qiu, Dana Sanchez, Inara Scott, Bill Smyth
Voting members absent: Filix Maisch, Bob Paasch, Rorie Spill Solberg
Ex-Officio members present: Academic Affairs – Heath Henry, WIC Director – Vicki Tolar Burton
Category II Proposals
Discussion Needed
WGSS 324
The Instructor information is rather bare but it looks like the syllabus is for a course that will be offered in the future.
Wrong student conduct link
In addition to the Baccalaureate Core (BC) outcomes, there are ten course specific learning outcomes. There is concern from the committee whether meeting such a large amount of outcomes is feasible. Is there a way to condense or lessen how many there are?
If they cannot reduce the amount of outcomes, it is suggested that they place the outcomes in a matrix so that they are more easily read by students.
Approved. Requested changes will be sent to the originator
CEM 443 (WIC)
The verbatim BC statement is typically placed within the learning outcomes. This particular syllabus places the BC statement within the course description, instead.
It is suggested that they move the statement about how the BC course meets requirements down by the learning outcomes.
The course is a WIC but it is noted on the syllabus that it cannot be used to the fulfill the WIC requirement for students who are not in the CEM program
Wrong student conduct link
Approve. Some minor suggestions will be sent to the originator
ARE 418/419 (WIC)
Students have to take both courses in order to fulfill the WIC requirement
Verbatim statement has been slightly altered
Wrong student conduct link
It was noticed that there is no listed textbook and the schedule is very bare.
It was learned that the college is currently hiring. They are leaving areas open so that the new instructor can plan out the course specifics
No Discussion Needed
Category Reviews
WGSS 270
Wrong student conduct link
It’s not clear in the syllabus how student learning outcomes are being assessed
The course is listed as 3 credits in the proposal system and at the top of the syllabus, however it is referred to as being 4 credits at a later point in the syllabus.
Ecampus has a statement about classroom behavior. It is applicable to the course but it is suggested that the change the header to ‘Class’ or ‘Classroom/Online Behavior’ for clarity.
They list a fragrance policy, but they need to make it clear in the syllabus that this is a department policy and not a policy of the university as a whole.
Approve. Suggestions for changes sent to originator
WGSS 110 (WIC)
The language in come of the outcomes are different on each syllabus, but they are appropriate changes between Ecampus and On Campus
Both syllabus need the correct student conduct link
Approve. Originator will be sent the new conduct link
HST 353
There could be more clarification on the critical thinking outcomes, but the course is about examination and clearly has critical thinking elements throughout the syllabus
Approve. Send back with comment that the originator needs to add an explicit statement about critical thinking outcomes.
Minutes prepared by Caitlin Calascibetta