Voting members present: Pat Ball (via phone), Nancy Barbour, Isabelle Brock, Filix Maisch, Bob Paasch, Dana Sanchez, Inara Scott, Bill Smyth, Rorie Spill Solberg
Voting members absent: Natalie Dollar, McKenzie Huber, Weihong Qiu
Ex-Officio members present: Academic Affairs – Heath Henry, WIC Director – Vicki Tolar Burton
Category II Proposals
No Discussion Needed
Discussion Needed
SOIL 395
Verbatim statements are required
Many of the questions were left largely unanswered and had to be sent back for revisions
The course is a Science/Tech/Soc (STS) course and the requested change is to make it a WIC course, in addition to STS
Do they have to worry about the 1250 word requirement for STS in addition to the 2,000 words required by WIC?
The committee noticed that the writing component for the course was actually very large at around 7,000 words.
Is that too much for students who are looking to fill their general education requirement?
They meet the three of the outcomes but they don’t seem to meet the multi-disciplinary requirement
It was discussed that students cannot meet both their STS and WIC requirement at the same time with this course; they have to pick which requirement they will be meeting.
It was discussed that there are 8 other courses that are both STS and WIC so it is not unheard of for a class to have both.
How STS outcomes are assessed is not discussed in the syllabus, but the WIC matrix is there.
It looks as if they added the WIC requirements to an existing syllabus without making any other changes. This means there are differences in formatting and is not consistent.
Approve with suggestions for changes to make the syllabus easier for students to read and more consistent. Warn the originator that making the course a WIC could limit enrollment. STS and WIC also serve different purposes.
Volunteers Needed
Summer Cat II reviews
To help alleviate the backlog that is usually present when the new chairs take over
Filix Maisch, Dana Sanchez, Rorie Solberg volunteer
Please contact the chair if you would like to volunteer
Schedule for Spring Term
May 23 – Keep this meeting for now, but it may be cancelled depending on workload.
May 30 – Neither chair is available, this session will be cancelled
June 6 – This session will be cancelled
June 13 – Keep this meeting, final reviews and business will be wrapped up at this meeting.
Minutes prepared by Caitlin Calascibetta