Meeting Date: 
November 9, 2023
11/09/2023 10:00 am to 11:00 am
  1. Course Review Procedure – Heath Henry
  1. Core Education Assessment of Learning (cont’d.)
  1. Course Review
    • MAST 444 – Writing for Marine Studies

Voting members present: Aidas Banaitis, Abigail Crowell, Kelsey Emard, Daniel Faltesek, Colin Johnson, Matthew Kennedy, Lori McGraw, Rene Reitsma, Randy Rosenberger, Kari-Lyn Sakuma, Thomas Shelly, Paula Weiss
Voting members absent: Geoffrey Barstow
Ex-officio members present: Academic Affairs – Heath Henry; Difference, Power & Oppression – Natchee Barnd; WIC – Sarah Perrault
Guests: Patrick Ball, Stephanie Baugh, Casey Dawson, McKenzie Huber

Course Review Procedure – Heath Henry

  • Heath shared the current review form with the committee – it serves as a checklist for the reviewer to track what they need to look for. The form is not sent to anyone but Heath, though it accessible by other committee members in SharePoint.
    • The form will be updated once the Core Education program is implemented.
  • If two reviewers want to submit one form, Heath will need to forward the form from the first reviewer to the second. Reviewers can also submit separate forms.
  • Academic Programs will also be looking at syllabi for compliance.
  • Make sure assessment methods are appropriately addressed – everything shouldn’t assess everything.
  • It is okay to send proposals back for more information.
  • Heath showed a course in CIM and explained how to tell if the course is a New Course proposal or if it is a change to an existing course.
  • Statements in CIM are sometimes not consistent with statements in the syllabus – this would allow for a send back for clarification.
  • Once a form is submitted, it cannot be re-opened. Reviewers can email Heath and he will send a new link.
    • Heath would like to reassure everyone that there is no need to apologize and that it is a quick fix.

Core Education Assessment of Learning (cont’d.)

  • Some members were able to do some polling of faculty in their colleges and there was some interest in Assessment Fellows.

Course Review

  • MAST 444 – Writing for Marine Studies
    • This will be discussed during the next meeting.

Other Information

  • Core Education will be presenting at Faculty Senate – the Steering Committee will honor the course caps presented in the Core Education proposal and may have to subsidize the budget to make up for the lower course caps. This may be re-reviewed in a few years.