Voting members present: Jonathan Fram, Natasha Gaspar, Jeff Luck, Filix Maisch
Voting members absent: Mary Gardner, Joe Page
Program Proposals
Merchandising Management Undergraduate Major (BS, HBS), #518 – Change Undergraduate Major
No budgetary impact - They are using underutilized courses, so the expenses are minor; relies largely on existing resources and FTE.
The ENG budget allocation is going to change next year, so it’s undefined how much they may take in next year but there is unlikely to be much risk.
Action: Jeff Luck motioned to approve; seconded. The motion to approve passed unanimously.
Supply Chain and Logistics Management Graduate Major (MS), #850 – New Graduate Major
Also makes use of existing resources and FTE but anticipates generating new enrollment.
They are not anticipating a negative impact; the dean has approved the budget and will back the program if there is a deficit.
Some projected revenues would be helpful if they are expecting new students, but no information is provided.
If they meet their growth goals, they may need new faculty in the future.
Action: Jeff Luck motioned to send back and request that they fill out the budget spreadsheet with accurate projections of revenue; seconded. The motion passed with four votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition and 0 abstentions.
Report Back from University Budget Advisory Committee
Ongoing discussion around tuition increase with adjustments for inflation and cost of living.