Voting members present: Frank Chaplen, Mak Khan, Jeff Luck, Filix Maisch, Shawn Tucker
Voting members absent: Tekla Bude
Ex-Officio members present: Budget & Resources Planning Office – Sherm Bloomer
Report Back from University Budget Advisory Committee
Discussion of topics for the upcoming year and who would be continuing on the committee next year.
Program Proposal
Humanitarian Engineering Certificate, Key #781 – New Undergraduate Certificate
The humanitarian program is very popular with students and an ecampus offering is a good idea.
The narrative and budget justification are complete and well thought-out.
They recognize they won’t be cash positive for the first couple of years.
Course development is required to be done by an instructor or tenure-line faculty.
Still needs justification of enrollment numbers.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Undergraduate Major (BS, HBS), Key #971 – Change Undergraduate Major
Regarding concerns about the GC-MS:
A quote was received from Shimadzu for a basic GC-MS that costs roughly 80K. Takes a trade-in of current equipment into consideration.
Model requires little maintenance and can be maintained by existing instructional and lab staff.
Enrollment projections are based on market research by enrollment services.
They agreed it was low but the startup budget is in line with other recent hires at Cascades campus.
To offer the major with options, they need to offer 24 credit hours of new courses at Cascades. The new TT hire will teach roughly 15-18 of those credits. Part-time instructors are budgeted to cover additional new courses.
Action: Motion to approve; motion seconded and passed with 5 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition and 0 votes in abstention.
Other Business
There was an issue with a proposal Frank Chaplen originated – due to an error in CIM, it mistakenly skipped over the BFP committee. He is working with Janice Nave-Abele to roll it back so the committee can review it properly.