Voting members present: Amy Bourne, Pallavi Dhagat, Corina Rampola, Courtney Seton, Shawn Tucker
Voting members absent: Michaela Canete, Frank Chaplen
Ex-Officio members present: Sherm Bloomer
Program Proposals
Oceanography Undergraduate Major (BS, HBS), Key #762
Budget Narrative
One member submitted their vote via email.
Program already exists, it is just branching out into its own degree.
Marketing feels a little low, but the committee thinks it should be fine, based on previous responses.
The Business Center has signed off on the budget, acknowledging that they are aware that the group is currently in the red. They are expecting growth in year 4 and to move into the black.
Motion to approve Oceanography Undergraduate Major (BS, HBS), Key #762, seconded. Motion passes six in favor, none against. No abstentions.