Voting members present: Frank Chaplen, Ashton Cummings, Mary Gardner, Natasha Gaspar, Jeff Luck, Joseph Page, Shawn Tucker
Voting members absent: Filix Maisch
Guests present: Yvette Spitz
Program Proposal
Marine Mammal Graduate Certificate, #803 – New Graduate Certificate
Returned to originator initially due to questions regarding negative income.
Response: overall, the income to college would be positive, even if the department is taking a small loss.
Revenue share with Ecampus incorporated in final numbers.
Signed off by department heads
Actions: Motion to approve, seconded. Motion passed with 6 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition and 0 abstentions.
Report Back from University Budget Advisory Committee
One meeting in May
Main discussion topic was the report to the Provost, which is a summary of the work done during the year.
Contribution margin analysis
Tuition raises
Two recommendations
Change tuition so it is charged based on resident status, not modality.
Set up threshold for course fees and clarify course fees.
Audit fees regularly
The chair suggested that auditing differential tuition would be a good idea, as well.
Sherm Bloomer has taken a new job at OSU-Cascades and Toni Doolen will be taking over as Interim Vice Provost for Finance & Administration.