Meeting Date: 
May 22, 2023
05/22/2023 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Zoom Meeting
  1. Program Proposal
    • Engineering Management Graduate Certificate, #257 – Change Graduate Certificate
    • Engineering Management Graduate Major, #711 – New Graduate Major
  1. Report Back from University Budget Advisory Committee
  1. Other

Voting members present: Frank Chaplen, Ashton Cummings, Mary Gardner, Natasha Gaspar, Shawn Tucker
Voting members absent: Jeff Luck, Filix Maisch, Joseph Page 
Guests present: Yvette Spitz

Program Proposal

  • Engineering Management Graduate Certificate, #257 – Change Graduate Certificate

Action: Mary Gardner motioned to approve, seconded. The motion passed with 6 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition and 0 abstentions.

  • Engineering Management Graduate Major, #711 – New Graduate Major
    • Additional information was sent from the originator regarding the committee’s concerns.
    • They use the same narrative and spreadsheet for both the Certificate and the Major as there is a lot of overlap between the programs.

Action: Mary Gardner motioned to approve, seconded. The motion passed with 6 votes in favor, 0 votes in opposition and 0 abstentions.

Report Back from University Budget Advisory Committee

  • Jeff will provide an update next meeting.


  • Frank Chaplen will be stepping down from the Budgets & Fiscal Planning Committee next year due to other obligations.
  • The Faculty Senate office has processes in place to select a chair for the 24-25 Academic Year and they will also fill the empty seat, in addition to other seats that will be opening.