Voting members present: Frank Chaplen, Jessica DuPont, Drew Ibarra, Corina Rampola
Voting members absent: Amy Bourne, Gloria Crisp, Xenia Velasco
Ex-Officio members present: Sherm Bloomer
Short Discussion of University Budget Committee – Drew Ibarra
What topics would the Budgets & Fiscal Planning Committee like to see discussed?
Convened last Friday, lots of introductions to members and the committee and what its mission is and what they’ll be discussing this year.
Topics they may be discussing include: tuition, ecampus tuition structure, criteria for cost reduction advice, athletics, Foundation, capital planning, Hatfield Science Center and differential tuition.
Review and Discuss
Outdoor Products #102419 – New Degree Program
Inconsistencies between the narrative and the spreadsheet are present. How much FTE is committed to the delivery of the program?
The committee didn’t see a .33 FTE allotment for an advisor.
It appears as if they’re developing a number of new courses but the FTE committed is not identified.
The number of faculty and identified assistant professor is referenced in the proposal but it is not reflected in the narrative.
The narrative, itself, is rather brief.
There are 14 courses being developed – who is developing them? They need at least 5 dedicated faculty for accreditation, but it’s not clear who they are or if they’ve been selected.
No costs are listed for marketing.
The committee will send back with questions.
Online Graduate Certificate in Energy Policy #106319 – New Certificate Program
The only money was for a summer coordinator position.
There are four different budgets sheets. 5K is listed on one, but it may be a repeat from elsewhere. It also lists an income of 7,500 but it’s not clear where it’s coming from. What is their FTE?
The 5k is funded by ecampus but is listed as an expense.
It’s unclear what they’re anticipating as the expenses.
It’s really a total cost of 12k, but it’s been split up.
Send back with a request for clarity on what the FTE is. Certified completion revenue needs to be added to the spreadsheet?
College of Business #108435 – Termination of an Academic Unit
There’s been a reorganization and it has not been in practice.
Approved with no discussion and no abstentions.
Other Business
CIM – moving to CIM on Friday, November 15, 2019. Nothing different in how information will be disseminated to the committee members.
How proposals are sent back has changed somewhat – the new system rolls it back up but it would potentially have to go back through other committees.
Category IIs would now be labeled as Program Proposals, which could make them come to the committee. The committee does not review Cat II type proposals.
Is there a way to delineate between these?