Voting members present: Tekla Bude, Frank Chaplen, Maurine Powell, Filix Maisch, Courtney Seton, Shawn Tucker
Voting members absent: No members absent
Discussion and CIM Orientation
Geology Undergraduate Major (BS, HBS), Key #728
Comments in CIM
CIM is the curriculum management system, housed through Academic Programs and Assessment (APA). The Budget & Fiscal Planning Committee (BFP) largely uses the Program Proposal Management system.
Adding a ‘*’ is a wildcard that will pull up all proposals with that name (i.e., *geology will pull up all geology proposals)
The BFP focuses largely on the Budget Information part of the proposal – the budget narrative and the budget worksheet should be attached for each proposal.
Look for inconsistencies or major changes that aren’t explained in the narrative.
Questions can be sent back to the originator through CIM.
Once questions have been addressed, the committee can discuss it either in a meeting or via email.
Program Proposal
Food Science and Technology Undergraduate Major (BS, HBS), #185 – Change Undergraduate Major
New committee members were curious how often blank narratives and spreadsheets come through.
Not often. It is asked that originators at least explain in the narrative that there are no budgetary impacts.
The proposal is marked as just a name change, but there are other changes related to course development. Will these changes to the courses affect the overall budget?
The committee would like to confirm whether or not the courses mentioned have already been developed or still need to be developed and expand on whether or not there will be any budgetary impacts.
Several of the courses were found in CIM, but at least one is still going through the approval process.
Motion: The committee requests that the originator clarify the language regarding courses developed and courses under development and the resources associated with such course development; seconded. Motion passes with 6 in favor, none against. No abstentions.
Once the originator responds, the chair will bring this proposal back to the committee to discuss.
New Business
Identify particularly good/bad proposals to use as reference in developing new budget narrative and budget spreadsheet templates and guidelines.
Meeting adjourned at 11:42 AM.