Meeting Date: 
September 29, 2022
09/29/2022 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Zoom Meeting
  1. Introductions
  1. Meeting Frequency and Format
  1. Update on CIM Queue
  1. Other

Voting members present: Frank Chaplen, Mary Gardner, Jeff Luck, Filix Maisch, Yvette Spitz
Voting members absent: Shawn Tucker


  • The chair introduced himself and the committee went around and introduced themselves.

Meeting Frequency and Format

  • We will be sticking with a bi-weekly schedule.
  • Meetings will be canceled if there are no proposals in the queue.
  • Meetings will continue to be held via Zoom.

Update on CIM Queue

  • Four proposals currently in the queue.
  • What is the committee looking for in proposals?
    • Use their experience to look for inconsistencies or anything that feels off or raises questions.
    • Concerns and questions can always be sent to the originator for clarification.
  • The chair can help guide the new members through accessing CIM and finding the budget documents
  • Some of the proposals in the queue are to suspend programs - these have no budgetary impacts.

Action: Filix moved to approve the program suspension proposals in the system, seconded. Motion passed with 5 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstentions.


  • The chair sits on the University Budget Committee (UBC). If Sherm Bloomer is not available to attend a Budgets & Fiscal Planning Committee meeting, the chair will give a rundown on anything that occurred during the UBC meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 9:24