01/17/2013 10:00 am to 11:30 am
206 Gilkey
  1. Discussion of FY2014 issues
  2. In FY 2014, it is projected that the OSU may face a 7-8% difference between expected revenues and expected expenditures (E&G budget).  There is also a projected shortfall in the SWPS budget.  For the E&G budget, the UBC is currently discussing the possibilities of raising tuition and/or eliminating/modifying the tuition plateau.  The BFP group will discuss some of the issues involved. 
  3. Consideration of a Category I proposal to merge Biochemistry/Biophysics with Microbiology #84452  Walt Loveland
  4. Consideration of a Category I proposal to establish a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration #85547  Luke McIlvenny
  1. Discussion of FY2014 issues 
    Sherm Bloomer led a discussion of the OSU FY14 budget.  OSU E&G budget costs are expected to increase by about 8.4% due to OPE increases, salary increases, commitments to construction projects, etc.  If we anticipate a 3% increase in State support, a 3% increase in undergraduate tuition per year and other increases as well as maintenance level investments in faculty and infrastructure, the OSU fund balance will dip below the minimum acceptable level of 5% of revenue, necessitating significant reductions in expenditures/services.

    Alternative scenarios are being discussed that would lead to larger increases in tuition, maintaining the OSU fund balance at a minimum of 5% of revenue.  Of particular interest is the possibility of changing or removing the tuition plateau, which is unique to OSU.  The tuition plateau leads to inequitable tuition charges for students who cannot take more than 12 credits due to employment, family responsibilities, etc.  It creates a barrier for students to take Ecampus courses since Ecampus does not use a plateau system.  Fundamentally it is a flawed model for tuition in that the cost of “free” courses (taken as part of the plateau) must be paid for by other students.  The thought that the plateau would lead to more rapid progress towards graduation has been shown to be wrong by the examples of the UO and PSU who dropped their tuition plateaus years ago with no significant discernable effect on graduation. 
  2. Consideration of a Category I proposal to merge Biochemistry/Biophysics with Microbiology #84452 
    1. The BFP group voted to approve this proposal on the condition that the proposers describe in the proposal the financial arrangements associated with the participation of the Botany and Plant Pathology department in offering the Biology program.
  3. Consideration of a Category I proposal to establish a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration #85547
    • The BFP group voted to approve this proposal on the conditions that the proposers describe in the proposal that: (a) the Provost has approved a recurring investment from OSU shown in column D of the budgets and (b) the arrangement that all graduate students in this program will have assistantships with tuition remission leading to no net tuition revenue for this program.