02/13/2014 1:30 pm

1.  Discussion about a new proposed University policy on allocation of F&A revenues
The University Budget Committee, in response to a request from the Provost, has developed a proposed new policy for the use of F&A revenues. At issue is the issue of the subset of F&A revenues that we call returned overhead (ROI). At present, there is a large array of policies regarding the expenditure of ROI that differ from college to college. A summary of the current policies of each college is also linked.

  • Concept for Redistribution of F&A funds
  • College policies
  • An Indirect Cost Primer – Background Material for the Indirect Cost Recovery Task Force

Based upon the discussion that occurred at our last meeting, it appears that our wishes about the dispersal of ROI are being disregarded. Is that true? Do we favor allowing individual PIs have some say about how "our money" is spent? Or do we favor complete dispersal of these funds for the "common good"? Do we need to be "re-educated" about how F&A monies are expended? Or do administrators need to be "re-educated" about the purpose of F&A? 

What are our alternatives? A minority report on F&A policy? Direct action by the Faculty Senate? 

We should have a lively discussion.