The Committee monitors the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate, reviewing proposals for changes and recommending amendments for action by the Senate. It serves in an advisory capacity to the Senate President and to the Executive Committee in all matters related to the Bylaws.
Each Fall, the Committee shall nominate candidates for Faculty Senate President-Elect, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and the Interinstitutional Faculty Senate (IFS), in accordance with procedures described in the Bylaws.
In response to a call for nominations from the IFS, the committee shall be responsible for nominating members of the OSU faculty to serve on the Oregon State Board of Higher Education. The slate of nominees from OSU shall be endorsed by the Faculty Senate prior to forwarding to the IFS. The IFS oversees the process by which three Oregon University System faculty are nominated to the governor for the appointment.
The Committee consists of four Faculty members. One member shall be the Immediate Past Senate President, who shall serve as Chair.