Voting members present: Jenn Alix-Garcia, Lindsay Andrews, Lety Cavazos, Tess Collins, Ed Dever, Laurie Houston, Keith Jayawickrama, Jacob Putney, Cinamon Moffett, Shelly Signs, Randal Smith, Brandon Trelstad, Desiree Tullos, Jason Weiss, Beth Filar Williams
Voting members absent: Laurel Kincl, Leela Magdaleno, Bailie Schultz
Ex-officio members present: Scott Elmshaeuser – OSU Foundation
Guests present: Ross Ruecker
Approve April 5, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Action: Motion approve the April 5, 2022 meeting minutes, seconded. Motion passed.
Working Group Updates and Plans for the Summer
Communications – No meeting
Conservation, Efficiency and Transportation – No meeting
Education and Curriculum – No meeting
Annual Report Update – Tess Collins, Jacob Putney
Tess took the report from last year and got the format set up.
Not received any work group reports apart from Communications.
Lety has sent the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) portion.
Jacob would like the work group reports by June 17.
Keith undertook to write something up for Conservation, Efficiency and Transportation.
Status Check on “Path to Carbon Neutrality” Document – Brandon Trelstad, Lety Cavazos
Sitting on Becky Johnson’s desk for signature. She called Brandon up for questions. One of her questions is about the OSU forest holdings. There is currently an assessment of the carbon sequestration potential of the forests. Becky also shared that she would like to invest more in energy conservation.
Shelly will look for an opportunity to check in with OSU leaderships.
There will be a campus wide announcement about the Path when it is released.
Earth Week Activity Update – Lindsay Andrews
Lightning talks. 7 speakers, up to 5 minutes each. Positive feedback. About 20-30 present.
Shelly pointed out that there have been 14 views of the session after the event.
Sustainability Office had a table at the fair.
Meeting with Forest Ecosystems and Society Faculty – Keith Jayawickrama, Brandon Trelstad, Shelly Signs
May 18 session. Gave a mini GHG report for the college.
Talked about the energy efficiency project at Richardson Hall. Well received.
OSU Carbon Reduction Updates – Brandon Trelstad, Lety Cavazos
Ross coming on board will be a big step. We now have a position focused on energy, Brandon was meeting that need up to this point. Getting bids on solar installations for 6 buildings: Richardson Hall, Centro Cultural Cesar Chavez, Beth Ray Center, 3 large Athletics facilities. Could put 3 MW on the Athletics buildings. $5 million has been set aside for sustainability. If there are units able to contribute a bit, that helps make it happen. Regardless of the amount contributed, it shows the unit has a stake in the effort.
Ross – thinks there are a lot of opportunities for energy efficiency.
Travel carbon Offsets
This is a good time to offset some OSU funded travel. Please email Lety. Also spread the word to your units.
Updates on Membership and Leadership for Committee in FY 2023
Any Other Business
Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place in September. Date TBD.