The Computing Resources Committee reviews and recommends policy concerning technology as used by faculty in instruction, research, and service on campus and off-campus. It assists in planning and advocating for the necessary technology to maximize student learning and enhance faculty research and service activities to OSU and the wider community. It acts to advise other committees and Information Services as well as providing leadership in adoption and effective use of computing for instruction, research, and service.
The Committee shall consist of six Faculty, at least four of whom must be Teaching Faculty, and two Students, and the following ex-officio, non voting members: the Vice Provost for Information Services or a designated representative, and a representative from Technology Across the Curriculum (TAC). The Vice Provost for Information Services may recommend a resource person from Information Services as another ex-officio, non-voting member. The CRC chair serves as an ex-officio member of the Information Technology Coordinating Committee (ITCC).
The Executive Committee is encouraged to look for broad representation in the appointments to the committee in order to provide disciplinary diversity.
(Rev 04/10; 05/08; 04/06; 04/12)