1. 9:00 – UAPR History Revised Action Plan – Joan Gross, Rebecca Mathern
2. New Degree Program Proposal – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)
3. Curricular Policies and Procedures – Reviewing and Updating
The Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (APA) has been charged with reviewing and updating the Curricular Policies and Procedures listed on the APA website in preparation for the upcoming university accreditation review.
4. UAPR Reviewers Needed
5. Category II Proposals
6. Report from the Co-chairs – John Bailey, Allen Thompson
7. Report from the Office of Academic Programs and Assessment – Gary Beach
Information Item:
Meeting Schedule
February 9 – 8:30-10:00 ~ Curriculum Council – 128 Kidder Hall
February 16 – 8:30-10:00 ~ Curriculum Council – 128 Kidder Hall
February 23 – 8:30-10:00 ~ Curriculum Council – 128 Kidder Hall
Voting members present: John Bailey, Prem Mathew, Carol McKiel, Tom Miller, Jeff Reimer, John Schuna, Allen Thompson, Ann Zweber
Voting members absent: Jake Hamblin, Michael Harte, Richard Nafshun, Mina Ossiander, John Schlipf, Michele Swift
Ex-Officio members present: Academic Affairs – Gary Beach, Extended Campus – Alfonso Bradoch, Registrar’s Office – Rebecca Mathern, University Libraries – Anne-Marie Deitering
Liaison members present: Academic Advising Council – Heather Arbuckle
Guests: Joan Gross
UAPR History Revised Action Plan – Joan Gross, Rebecca Mathern
Action: The revised action plan was accepted with no opposition; Allen Thompson will advise the unit of the decision.
New Degree Program Proposal – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)
Curricular Policies and Procedures – Reviewing and Updating
The Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (APA) has been charged with reviewing and updating the Curricular Policies and Procedures listed on the APA website in preparation for the upcoming university accreditation review.
Action: The Curriculum Council agreed to have John Bailey forward revisions to Gary Beach (see final version below):
Admissions and Retention Standards Set by Academic Units
The university has admission and retention standards that apply to all undergraduates. The following policy pertains to any additional admission and retention standards proposed by academic units.
Proposals for the addition of admission or retention standards to existing major or college requirements require a “Change Major” or “Change College Requirements” proposal via the Curriculum Proposal System. Standards that are part of a proposal for a new instructional program are included in the proposal for the new program.
Curricular need should drive admission and retention standards. Ideally, lack of resources for a program should be addressed through regular budgetary procedures; however, if standards must be used to control the size of a program, then only changes to admission standards will be considered for approval. Any retention standards beyond those for the entire university must be justified based solely upon demonstrated academic and curricular necessity.
Proposals to change admissions or retention standards should be clearly justified through specific reference to one or more of the following criteria for evaluating curricular or academic necessity:
Any new proposed admission or retention standards must discuss mechanisms designed to alert and assist students who are not on track to meet the new standards, and who may need to change to another major.
All new admission and retention standards will be implemented with a new catalog, allowing students to select their catalog year based on their pre-program status. Courses deemed equivalent to OSU courses that were taken at a community college or other four-year institution must be treated the same as OSU-equivalent courses. The university does not discriminate against students who transfer equivalent courses to OSU.
The opportunities for students to petition for exceptions must be clearly stated.
Retention standards must allow for a period of probation during which a student who does not meet criteria for retention but who come close may attempt to improve their academic performance to that level necessary for them to remain in the program.
Action: The Curriculum Council agreed to have John Bailey forward revisions to Gary Beach (see final version below):
Advertising – Timing of Advertisement for New Programs
This policy guides advertising of new academic programs that are still undergoing the review and approval process but are at a point when any content in the media would be literally accurate and not capable of being misinterpreted. This policy does not replace the curriculum approval process.
Proposed academic programs in the approval process may be advertised as "pending final approval" once the proposal has been approved by the OSU Faculty Senate Curriculum Council.
Action: Since the Registrar has not had an opportunity to review the Course Designators policy, it will be postponed to an upcoming meeting.
UAPR Reviewers Needed
Category II Proposals
Action: All proposals will be cleared.
Report from the Co-chairs – John Bailey, Allen Thompson
Report from the Office of Academic Programs and Assessment – Gary Beach
Minutes prepared by Vickie Nunnemaker, Faculty Senate staff