Anticipated absences: Alfonso Bradoch (v. R. Powell), Richard Nafshun, Anne Zweber
9:00-9:40 – Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
New program proposal and external letters of support
Pre-approval step to streamline the Category I approval process
Efficiencies of Proposal Review
Category I Proposals
Undergraduate Certificate in CyberSecurity #105390 – New Certificate Program Proposal – Wesley Brewer, Ann Zweber
Update: Following approval by the Curriculum Council on January 29, 2019, the College of Business (COB) withdrew support of the certificate. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee sent back the proposal since it appeared to no longer be viable without support from the COB. The Colleges of Business and Engineering (COE) subsequently worked things out as follows:
There will be a change in terms of which BA class is required – BA 370 will be struck from the program, and BA 482 will now be a required class.
COE commits to designing a bridge class for non-CS students to catch them up and help them be successful. This will be developed and offered after the certificate itself is approved.
COE is also committed to adding additional COB (and other discipline) classes as electives as these are developed.
Action: The Faculty Senate Executive Committee requests that the Curriculum Council review the updated proposal (at the above URL) and advise Faculty Senate President Mina Carson whether the changes are acceptable to the Curriculum Council.
Business Analytics #106038 – New Degree Program Proposal – Terry Rooker, Allen Thompson
Russian Studies Undergraduate Certificate #100119 – Termination of an Academic Program Proposal
Policy – Experimental “X” Courses
This is a joint request from the Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (APA) and the Office of the Registrar (OtR). When the Curriculum Council reviewed the Experimental “X” courses policy in April 2018, text was added indicating a proposal was not required to add an X course. APA and OtR both feel a CPS record is required when an X course is added, which means a proposal must be submitted. Attached is a document with the suggested edits from APA and OtR. (From Caryn Stoess)
Category II Proposals
The proposals in the attached file will be approved following the March 1, 2019 meeting.
The proposals in the attached file will be approved following the March 8, 2019 meeting.
The below Category II non-course proposals are on the above spreadsheets, but are also listed separately to bring them to your attention.
March 1 list:
Natural Resources, MNR #105586 – Change Graduate Major
Apparel Design #106074 – Drop Undergraduate Option
Interior Design #106077 – Drop Undergraduate Option
Sustainable Rangeland Ecosystem Stewardship #105346 – New Undergraduate Option
Education, BA, BS, HBA, HBS #105537 – Change Undergraduate Major
Environmental Sciences, MA, MS, PhD, PSM #106188 – Change Graduate Major
March 8 list:
Business – MSB #106354 – Change Graduate Major
Computer Science #105049 – Change Undergraduate Minor
Apparel Design – BS, CRED, HBS #106051 – Change Undergraduate Major
Design and Innovation Management- BS, CRED, HBS #101601 – Change Undergraduate Major
Interior Design, BS, CRED, HBS #106062 – Change Undergraduate Major
Merchandising Management, BS, CRED, HBS #106080 – Change Undergraduate Major
Matters Arising
Report from Co-Chairs – Carol McKiel, Allen Thompson
Report from Academic Programs and Assessment – Gary Beach
Report from the Office of the Registrar – Rebecca Mathern
Information Items:
Please forward your Spring term meeting availability to Caitlin Calascibetta and Vickie Nunnemaker as soon as possible so meetings dates and locations can be determined. The original request was emailed by Caitlin on February 19 at 1:09 PM.
The next three items are from Rebecca Mathern:
Please be prepared for an in-depth CIM (CPS replacement) discussion on March 8, 2019. Mike Jefferis will attend to demonstrate the system and review the process that the stakeholder/implementation team has followed to date.
The broader non-credit discussion will occur on March 14, 2019 (not during a Curriculum Council meeting). Attendees include Penny Diebel, Prem Mathew, Lindsey Shirley and Rebecca Mathern. If anyone else would like to attend, please email Rebecca so that she can get you the details.
The CC will invite Sherm Bloomer and the UEC Associate Deans to a discussion on March 22 during the CC meeting related to the possible revision of the minors policy. Please be prepared to discuss this – specifically related to the previous discussion about equity around a certain number of credits being exempt from double dipping for multiple requirements.
Please advise Vickie at [email protected] if you will miss a meeting.
EC Secure Site – contact Caitlin Caliscibetta at [email protected] to access materials
Curriculum Proposals – The Curriculum Proposal System can be found at To access Curriculum Council proposals, select ‘Curriculum Council Chair’ in the ‘Review Group’ box, then click on ‘Search’ below the boxes; the proposals will be listed below the ‘Search’ button.
Cat I Proposals
Biological and Ecological Engineering – MENG #99844 – Change Graduate Major – Wesley Brewer, Nick Fleury
2/25/19 - Pending approval by Graduate Council
Business Analytics #106038 – New Undergraduate Degree Program Proposal – Terry Rooker, Allen Thompson
2/2/19 – approved by Budgets
Communication – MA/MS #99706 –
Mina Ossiander, Terry Rooker, Jake Hamblin 10/23/18 – GC returned to originator, who responded 11/9/18 & 1/17/19
Curriculum Council approved 2/22/19
CyberSecurity #105390 – New Undergraduate Certificate Program Proposal – Anne Zweber, Wesley Brewer
2/25/19 – EC requests review of revisions by Curriculum Council
Engineering Management #104678 – New Graduate Certificate Program – Wesley Brewer, Carol McKiel
2/25/19 - Pending Budgets approval
Rural Policy Online Graduate Certificate #105628 – New Certificate Program Proposal – Rebecca Mathern, Jeff Reimer
2/25/19 – approved by Budgets; pending approval by Graduate Council
Russian Studies Undergraduate Certificate #100119 – Termination of an Academic Program Proposal
Hybrid Courses – G. Beach requested to revise based on 4/17/18 CC comments; req 4/26/18
Majors – 5/23/2018 – Action: Tabled - R. Mathern will resolve some of the CIM issues; needs to relate to Academic Regulations; CC will review after revised
Not approved in 2017-2018 ~VN
Minimum Class Size – 5/23/2018 – Action: R. Mathern will work over the summer to create a more coherent policy
1/18/19 – Mathern will determine from Gitelman if review needed prior to accreditation
Minors - 5/23/2018 – Action: R. Mathern and M. Ossiander will review over the summer and propose combining Minors and Options
Non-credit Coursework Policy – Prem Mathew is requesting review
2/1/19 – subcomm of P. Mathew, P. Diebel, R. Mathern will draft a structure for the CC to review
Options – 5/9/2018 – Tabled until recommendations from Rebecca and Mina are brought forward for consideration – this likely won’t occur until Fall 2018
Professional Degrees Workgroup appointed during 2/22/19 CC meeting
Members: Gary Beach, Theresa Filtz, Lisa Ganio, Rosemary Garagnani, Rebecca Mathern, Ann Zweber
Undergraduate Academic Program Reviews
American Studies B.S. – this is an OSU Cascades-only degree, and the site visit will take place at OSU Cascades (Spring term) – Reviewers: Candice Clark, Allen Thompson
Environmental Sciences B.S. (tentatively scheduled
week of February 3-8 March 18-20, 2019 – APA is working on securing external reviewers) – Rebecca Mathern, Carol McKiel Terry Rooker
Music UAPR Action Plan – Michael Harte, Michele Swift – materials in secure site
Action Plan – CC review on January 18.
1/18/19 – sent back to unit with comments
Sociology B.A./B.S. (this can be held during Spring term if necessary) Reviewers: Jeff Reimer, Carol McKiel
Joint review for two undergraduate programs housed in the same department, aka Applied Economics – March 3-5, 2019 – APA has external reviewers secured – Reviewers: Michael Harte, Michele Swift
B.S. Agricultural Business Management
B.S. Environmental Economics and Policy
Discuss review and approval of Ecampus proposals
Meeting Schedule
March 8 – 128B Kidder Hall
March 15 – 128B Kidder Hall
March 22 – TBD