Degree Proposals
Artificial Intelligence MS, MEng, PhD #107212 – New Degree Program Proposal – Carol McKiel, Mina Ossiander
11/20/19 – Approved by Budgets & Fiscal Planning Committee; pending Graduate Council review
2/4/2020 – pending originator response to Graduate Council concerns; Graduate Council approved 2/13/2020
3/18/2020 – Curriculum Cncl reviewer’s returned to originator
College of Business, School of Design and Human Environment (DHE) #108435 – Termination of an Academic Unit Proposal – Jake Hamblin, Seri Robinson
3/4/2020 – Curriculum Council discussed and had many questions; M Swift will send concerns to J. Coakley
3/10/2020 – Pending responses from originator
Energy Policy Online Graduate Certificate #106319 – New Certificate Program Proposal – Carol McKiel, Yumie Takata
11/21/2019 – Budgets & Fiscal Planning Committee returned to originator
2/17/2020 – pending B&FP approval
2/26/2020 – Curriculum Cncl discussed & is forwarding concerns to Grad Council. Issues: 2 of 3 core courses are slash courses and 9 of 13 electives are slash courses; 6 of 14 electives are required; not measurable LOs for all objectives; need to clean up verbiage; letters of support are weak; and 501 Research and Scholarship is a capstone – is this appropriate?
Marine Studies BA, BS #106759 – New Degree Program Proposal – Michael Harte, Michele Swift
11/20/19 – Approved by Budgets & Fiscal Planning Committee; pending Curriculum Council review
12/13/19 – review proposal w/Curriculum Council; discussion tabled to another meeting
2/6/19 – pending originator response to Curriculum Council concerns
Supply Chain and Logistics Management BS, HBS #676 – Undergraduate Major needs reviewers
2/27/20 – pending Budgets & Fiscal Planning
Urban Agriculture #107200, New Certificate Program Proposal – Mina Ossiander, Terry Rooker
1/9/2020 – Proposal sent back to originator by Budgets & Fiscal Planning
2/17/2020 – Pending originator response to Budgets & Fiscal Planning concerns
2/26/2020 – Curriculum Cncl to discuss
Yoga Studies and Yoga Teacher Training #107557, New Certificate Program Proposal – Carol McKiel, Jane Nichols
1/13/2020 – Approved by Budgets & Fiscal Planning
1/25/2020 – Waiting for originator to submit courses in CIM; Pending approval by Curriculum Council
2/26/2020 – Foreign Language Deficiency – Invite A. Gitelman and N. Buckley related to German 100.
Hybrid Courses – G. Beach requested to revise based on 4/17/18 CC comments; req 4/26/18
9/24/19 – Cub Kahn, Shannon Riggs and Gary Beach reviewing the final draft
11/1/19 – Tentatively scheduled to be discussed
11/?/19 – A. Gitelman & L. Templeton to review – no review mtg scheduled
2/26/2020 – R. Mathern will talk with her team, A. Gitelman, Financial Aid and J. Bunnage to determine what it would take to implement the policy; she will then review with Curriculum Council within a month.
2/26/2020 – Once the Hybrid Course Policy is approved, discuss the issues related to a course designated as face-to-face, but the instructor chooses to place a large amount of the course material online, is this allowed? Is there a policy that addresses this situation? C. McKiel is communicating concerns to R. Mathern.
Majors – 5/23/2018 – Action: Tabled – R. Mathern will resolve some of the CIM issues; needs to relate to Academic Regulations; CC will review after revised
Not approved in 2017-2018 ~VN
2/26/19 – to be finalized after the CIM rollout
Minimum Class Size – 5/23/2018 – Action: R. Mathern will work over the 2018 summer to create a more coherent policy
1/18/2019 – Mathern will determine from Gitelman if review needed prior to accreditation
2/26/2019 – per RM and A. Gitelman – HOLD – will not be reviewed prior to accreditation visit
Minors – 5/23/2018 – Action: R. Mathern and M. Ossiander will review over the 2018 summer and propose combining Minors and Options
Review on 2/22/19 with Options (tentative)
Non-credit Coursework Policy – Prem Mathew is requesting review
2/1/19 – subcommittee of P. Mathew, P. Diebel, R. Mathern, R. Garagnani, L. Shirley will draft a structure for the CC to review
Options – 5/9/2018 – Tabled until recommendations from Rebecca and Mina are brought forward for consideration – this likely won’t occur until Fall 2018s
Review on 2/22/2019 with, or after, Minors (tentative)
Undergraduate Academic Program Reviews
Dept. of Ag Ed & Ag Science – early to mid-April 2020
American Studies B.S. – Reviewers: Candice Clark, Allen Thompson – this is an OSU-Cascades-only degree, and the site visit will take place at OSU-Cascades April 21-23, 2019
Environmental Sciences B.S. (tentatively scheduled
week of February 3-8 March 18-20, 2019 – APA is working on securing external reviewers) – Rebecca Mathern, Carol McKiel Terry Rooker
Course Designators
AI Course Designator
10/18/19 – Curriculum Council voted to send back for additional information to strengthen the proposal, more rationale for why a distinct course designator is needed, and to wait for the program proposal to make its way through the CPS so both the course designator and program proposal can be considered in conjunction.
11/1/19 – C. McKiel will again advise the originator of the following Curric Cncl action: “The Curriculum Council is not rejecting the AI course designator, but would like to review the course designator in tandem with the new program proposal once it arrives in the CC system.”
3/18/2020 – Curriculum Cncl reviewer’s returned degree proposal to originator; course designator to be considered with the degree proposal
Accreditation Standards
11/1/19 – Registrar’s Office annually runs a credit-hour review report to identify discrepancies between a course’s hours and credits. Registrar requests that the CC members review the identified discrepancies. Following review, CC, members to decide if J. Bunnage from accreditation should come to a CC meeting to discuss the discrepancies and possible resolutions.
SWLF waiver of 1 cr when courses moved from 3 to 4 credits due to lack of classroom space. 3/2/20
Discuss review and approval of Ecampus proposals
Professional Degrees Workgroup appointed during 2/22/2019 CC meeting
Members: Gary Beach, Theresa Filtz, Lisa Ganio, Rosemary Garagnani, Rebecca Mathern, Ann Zweber
Undergraduate Academic Program Review/Unit Review Discussion
The January 15 discussion summary is in BOX.
Alix Gitelman (below topics were not discussed 2/19/2020):
Is there a university policy related to course learning outcomes?
Definition of a Lab, Recitation, etc.
Note: blue, bolded text indicates dates items were approved or dispensed with.