A PDF of the agenda can be found here.
Anticipated absences: none
[Note: As with all Ecampus degree, certificate, option, and minor program proposals, implementation will be initiated following Provost approval – which follows a review by the Curriculum Council. Ecampus proposals do not go through a documented review by the College Curriculum Committee, Dean, Academic Programs Committee, Budgets and Fiscal Planning Committee, Graduate Council and Graduate School (if applicable), Faculty Senate, or the OSU Board of Trustees. The only centrally documented CPS review and approval steps associated with the extension of existing programs to distant locations via online delivery by Ecampus is the academic unit, Ecampus, and Provost.]
The Office of Academic Programs and Assessment (APA) has been charged with reviewing and updating the Curricular Policies and Procedures listed on the APA website (http://oregonstate.edu/admin/aa/apaa/academic-programs/curriculum/curricular-policies-and-procedures) in preparation for the upcoming accreditation review.
Attached is a document showing the edits made by Ecampus and APA to the Review Process for Ecampus Proposals. We would like the Curriculum Council to review, edit, and approve this updated procedure and would appreciate it if you would add this review to an upcoming Curriculum Council agenda.
~ Caryn Stoess – Executive Assistant – Academic Programs and Assessment
Meeting Schedule
December 8 – Fall term ends
January 8 – Winter term begins