Voting members present: John Bailey, Candice Clark, Michael Harte, Carol McKiel, Tom Miller, Mina Ossiander, Jeff Reimer, Michele Swift, Allen Thompson
Voting members absent: Jake Hamblin, Prem Mathew, Richard Nafshun, John Schlipf, John Schuna, David Taylor, Ann Zweber
Ex-Officio members present: Academic Affairs – Gary Beach, Extended Campus – Alfonso Bradoch, Registrar’s Office – Rebecca Mathern
Curricular Policies and Procedures – Reviewing and Updating
Posthumous Degrees – Rebecca Mathern
Rebecca reviewed the policy with the Undergraduate Education Committee – they felt that the policy is restrictive, but did not provide guidance. Some associate deans thought it should be for students who are in senior standing, rather than the last term, and they came up with revised language. Rebecca did follow-up work because the policy does not address professional schools. The associate deans felt that, with the proposed revisions to the undergraduate policy, the graduate policy now appears to be more restrictive.
One Council member questioned whether the word ‘term’ is appropriate for graduate students.
Action: Rebecca will forward proposed revisions to Vickie, who will then forward the proposed revisions to the Graduate Council and the deans of Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine for review.
Category II Summer Volunteers
Vickie will send an email request to the Curriculum Council for volunteers to determine which colleges need to be handled by a non-college representative.
Curriculum Council Standard Operating Procedures
Vickie Nunnemaker will correct on references to ‘Academic Programs, Assessment and Accreditation’ in the Standing Rules and revise the mention of the published Curricular Procedures Handbook.
One suggested including goals or missions of what the CC does, which is to minimize cost of delivery (i.e., duplication).
Indicated that coordination and liaison is encouraged between academic units.
Recommend that Council members are encouraged to be involved with unit/college curriculum committees.
One felt there is value in including a reference to service to the University.
Category II Proposals
The proposals in the attached file will be approved following the May 29, 2018 meeting.
It was noted that #103820 DESGN 356 should appear in the spreadsheet as DSGN 356.
The proposals in the attached file will be approved following the June 6, 2018 meeting.
Report from the Co-chairs – John Bailey, Allen Thompson
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee will appoint a new curriculum task force; there is concern that the new funding model will drive courses. There is a desire to create new policies and guidelines, as a culture, to address that issue.
Still trying to determine the difference between Cascades, Newport and Portland. The Provost feels that Newport and Portland are satellite campuses, but Bend is a branch campus.
Report from the Office of Academic Programs and Assessment – Gary Beach
Minutes prepared by Vickie Nunnemaker, Faculty Senate staff