Degree Proposals
International Agricultural Development Graduate Minor – CM #60
Education Graduate Major (EDD, EDM, MS, PhD) – Change Graduate Major #353
10/16/2020 – Approved by Curriculum Council
Credits/Contact Hours
Students earning 4 credits for 3 contact hours – Rebecca Mathern; See background information.
On April 10, 2020, Takata requested from Mathern for more information/clarification about the contact hour definition for waivers, specifically by sharing the Federal policy/agreement on contact hours that OSU signs off.
SWLF waiver of 1 cr when courses moved from 3 to 4 credits due to lack of classroom space. 3/2/20
Accreditation Standards
11/1/19 – Registrar’s Office annually runs a credit-hour review report to identify discrepancies between a course’s hours and credits. Registrar requests that the CC members review the identified discrepancies. Following review, CC, members to decide if J. Bunnage from accreditation should come to a CC meeting to discuss the discrepancies and possible resolutions.
Definitions (lab, recitations, etc.) – issue raised about the definitions Bacc Core is using and how they are interpreting the definitions with regards to Ecampus courses
Ecampus – Delivery of Instruction
Hybrid Courses – G. Beach requested to revise based on 4/17/18 CC comments; req 4/26/18
9/24/19 – Cub Kahn, Shannon Riggs and Gary Beach reviewing the final draft
11/1/19 – Tentatively scheduled to be discussed
11/?/19 – A. Gitelman & L. Templeton to review – no review mtg scheduled
2/26/2020 – R. Mathern will talk with her team, A. Gitelman, Financial Aid and J. Bunnage to determine what it would take to implement the policy; she will then review with Curriculum Council within a month.
2/26/2020 – Once the Hybrid Course Policy is approved, discuss the issues related to a course designated as face-to-face, but the instructor chooses to place a large amount of the course material online, is this allowed? Is there a policy that addresses this situation? C. McKiel is communicating concerns to R. Mathern.
Learning Outcomes – 2/29/2020 – A. Gitelman and R. Mathern to draft a policy regarding submitting a change course proposal to CIM when a course’s learning outcomes are changed.
Course Specific Measurable Student Learning Outcomes: See Student Learning Outcomes for a definition and instructions
Majors – 5/23/2018 – Action: Tabled – R. Mathern will resolve some of the CIM issues; needs to relate to Academic Regulations; CC will review after revised
Not approved in 2017-2018 ~VN
2/26/19 – to be finalized after the CIM rollout
Minimum Class Size – 5/23/2018 – Action: R. Mathern will work over the 2018 summer to create a more coherent policy
1/18/2019 – Mathern will determine from Gitelman if review needed prior to accreditation
2/26/2019 – per RM and A. Gitelman – HOLD – will not be reviewed prior to accreditation visit
Minors – 5/23/2018 – Action: R. Mathern and M. Ossiander will review over the 2018 summer and propose combining Minors and Options
Review on 2/22/19 with Options (tentative)
Non-credit Coursework Policy – Prem Mathew is requesting review
2/1/19 – subcommittee of P. Mathew, P. Diebel, R. Mathern, R. Garagnani, L. Shirley will draft a structure for the CC to review
Options – 5/9/2018 – Tabled until recommendations from Rebecca and Mina are brought forward for consideration – this likely won’t occur until Fall 2018s
Review on 2/22/2019 with, or after, Minors (tentative)
Revisions made to policies by other entities, but not reviewed or approved by the Curriculum Council.
Syllabus – Minimum Requirements: Syllabi
Although recent revisions were approved by the Curriculum Council, originators felt that sentence 1 seemed to contradict sentences 2 and 3 and interpreting the language as being required to submit all syllabi versions regardless of whether it’s a Baccalaureate Core course.
5/29/2020 – additional revisions, appearing in blue were approved.
Undergraduate Academic Program Reviews
Dept. of Ag Ed & Ag Science – early to mid-April 2020
American Studies B.S. – Reviewers: Candice Clark, Allen Thompson – this is an OSU-Cascades-only degree, and the site visit will take place at OSU-Cascades April 21-23, 2019
Environmental Sciences B.S. (tentatively scheduled
week of February 3-8 March 18-20, 2019 – APA is working on securing external reviewers) – Rebecca Mathern, Carol McKiel Terry Rooker
Course Designators
Discuss review and approval of Ecampus proposals
Professional Degrees Workgroup appointed during 2/22/2019 CC meeting
Members: Gary Beach, Theresa Filtz, Lisa Ganio, Rosemary Garagnani, Rebecca Mathern, Ann Zweber
Undergraduate Academic Program Review/Unit Review Discussion
The January 15 discussion summary is in BOX.
Note: blue, bolded text indicates dates items were approved or dispensed with.