The Dar Reese Excellence in Advising Award was established to recognize and encourage outstanding undergraduate advising on the OSU campus as exemplified by H. Darwin (Dar) Reese. Dr. Reese, a long-time Department of Chemistry faculty member, was well known at Oregon State for his thoughtful and caring advising of undergraduate students and his enthusiasm and concern for undergraduate instruction. His dedication to students establishes an ideal for which others might strive. The recipient receives a plaque/certificate and $1,000.

List of Previous Recipients


  • The Dar Reese Excellence in Advising Award recognizes the recipient's contribution in the critical area of academic advising. In addition to significant responsibilities for undergraduate advising, nominees must demonstrate current success in teaching, research, and service.

Award Criteria

Selection criteria include:

  1. evidence of commitment and effectiveness as an adviser of undergraduate students;
  2. success in, and current responsibility for, teaching, research and service, in addition to advising;
  3. leadership related to the improvement of undergraduate advising, including research, publications or other creative activities in this area;
  4. professional leadership, honors and awards

Nomination Process and Submission

Following the instructions completely will ensure consideration of the nomination.

The nominator shall submit the Cover Sheet and the complete submission packet in one PDF via the Qualtrics Submission Form. Do not begin entering information on the Qualtrics form unless you are ready to submit the nomination – the form CANNOT be saved and finished at a later time. The submission packet will include evidence that the nominee meets the criteria, as well as (1) nomination letter*; (2) three letters of support*; (3) the nominee’s vita; and (4) position description indicating breakdown of FTE allocation.

Required letters: Each of the below letters shall not exceed two single-sided pages using at least 12 pitch and 1" margins. Signatures on the letters must be included.

* Letters of Support: One letter shall be from a current or emeritus faculty member. The second shall be from a current or former student. The third may be from a student, faculty member, alumni, or other individual who can comment on the nominee's qualifications. The letters of support each shall not exceed two single-sided pages using at least 12 pitch and 1" margins. Signatures on the letters must be included.

   * Nomination Letter: The Nominator shall submit a Nomination Letter.

The award criteria must be addressed in the letters. Do not submit separate documentation related to the critera.

When organizing the PDF, please ensure that the document is organized as listed on the submission form.

Additional information submitted with the nomination will not be considered; please include only requested information and refer to the guidelines when organizing submission packets.

Selection Process

Nominations will be reviewed and selected by the Faculty Recognition and Awards Committee and a member of the Academic Advising Council. Committee recommendations will be made on the basis of the information submitted; the committee does not solicit additional information.

Nomination packets are due by Noon on April 19, 2024.