The Diversity Council addresses ongoing planning and implementation of the university's diversity initiatives, including equity, access, educational environment, and cultural competence. The Diversity Council has authority to make recommendations and work in conjunction with the Faculty Senate on issues regarding policies and practices in areas of faculty development; recruitment and retention of faculty, staff and students; and scholarship/research and curriculum. The Diversity Council also provides a forum for communication among faculty regarding OSU's diversity related activities.
The Diversity Council reports directly to the Faculty Senate.
The Council consists of eight faculty members, one of whom shall be a faculty member from OSU-Cascades, with at least three being teaching faculty. There shall be two students, one of whom may be the Multicultural Affairs Task Force Director, or designee. In addition, ex-officio, non-voting members shall include the Chief Diversity Officer of the Office of Institutional Diversity and the Director of the Difference, Power, and Discrimination Program, or designees.
(Rev 4/10; 06/06; 04/12; 06/18)