A PDF of the minutes can be found here.
Attendance: Angela Batista, Carolyn Fonyo, Dwaine Plaza, Goran Jovanovic, Thuy Tran, Kreg Linderg, Jason Thomas and Amarah Khan
The meeting began with group introductions.
Angela provided a general overview of the Institutional diversity initiatives. She focused on the social justice initiative which is being led by Jane Waith. She also provided an overview of the bias response process for both students and faculty.
Location to sample from: OSU, Bend, Newport, Le Grande, Portland.
Methods for data collection--- survey, interviews, review of the literature
The group discussed the future faculty revolving door study. This included: purpose, methodology, recruitment of subjects and how the findings will be reported out to the faculty senate. We agreed that the work we do needs to be connected to the leadership council (Becky Warner and Allison Davis White Eyes). The leadership council is working on a value statement. Whatever our recommendations—they also need to go through the leadership council.
We can generate potential pools of departed faculty from colleges? STEM, CLA, Bend campus etc… Ask HR for names of faculty who have departed.
Factors to consider when designing a revolving door study: gender, race, discipline, where graduate training completed, age, spouse, international faculty, market forces, sexuality issues, socio-economic status, year arrival, career stage, did they get tenure and promotion, better opportunities departure, location of housing, Inter-racial relationship, feeling like they belonged, comfortable living environment.
What were the push factors: Corvallis, OSU, department, culture, weather, startup package, stress, job not what it was meant to be, children issues, child care, elder care, dependent spouse, campus climate issues, cultural resources—hair food etc..
Homework—Each person needs to come up with a list of faculty of color and minority faculty (sexuality, gender) who have departed from OSU in the past 10 years. We are also pursuing HR for a list of these same faculty.
Start to collect literature on revolving door issues for faculty.
Look up studies on the best practices at other universities to reduce the revolving door syndrome.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.
Minutes taken by Dwaine Plaza